








Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Non Calculator
Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres.
Q2 Find of 40.
Lesson 5
Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8
At a school nu


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Starter Non Calculator Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres. Q2 Find of 40. 09/03/22 Lesson 5 Q3 Solve 7x2(x + 1) = 8 Extension At a school number of boys: number of girls is 9:7 There are 116 more boys than girls. Work out the total number of students at the school. Q1 Change 1 litre into millilitres. 1000 Q2 Find of 40. (40÷ 5) x 2 Q3 Solve 7x2(x+1)= 8 16 7x2x2 = 8 +2 +2 7x-2x=10 5x10 x = 2 09/03/22 boys Extension boys girls : 9:7 522406 There are 116 more boys than girls. 58 2 shares 116 1 share : 58 Number of boys = 9 x 58 = 522 Number of girls = 7 x 58 = 406 = = Total = 522 + 406 = 928 Lesson 5 girls the missing edge of each of the following cuboids :- (b) Joon cube and a cuboid, shape is 2312 cm³ each edge of the cube. Vel 1000cm3 20 cm 12 cm, 15 cm Homework Answers for Tuesday's Homework 10 cm height=? 10 cm 2 cm (a) Length = 7cm (b) height = 5 cm EXTENSION QUESTION Total volume of cuboid and cube = 2312 cm³ Volume of cuboid = 1800 cm³ Volume of cube = 2312 - 1800 = 512cm³ Length of each edge of the cube = √512 = 8 cm Volume Lesson 5 Learning Intention We are learning how to calculate the capacity and convert from cm³ to millilitres and litres. 1000ml "l Success Criteria o I know how to calculate the capacity o I know how to convert from cm³ to millilitres and litres. Take Liquid...

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Alternative transcript:

Volume Note! Capacity Liquid volume is measured in millilitres or litres. The special name for liquid volume is capacity. 6cm 1 cm³= 1 millitre 1000 ml = 1 litre - Example Calculate the volume of this container in millilitres. V=lxbxh =6x5x4 = 120cm = 120ml 4cm Lesson 5 9/3/22 5cm Questions 1. a Calculate the volume of this box in cm³. b Now write down its capacity in ml. 12 cm Lesson 5 10) V = lxbxh = 12x6x8 = 576cm 8 cm 6 cm b) 576ml Answers 1. a Calculate the volume of this box in cm³. 576 cm³ b Now write down its capacity in ml. 576 ml 12 cm 8 cm Lesson 5 6 cm Questions Find the capacity of each container in ml b 10 cm A = 1/2bxh = 1/2x12x16 -96 V = Axh, 96x11 1056 ml 5 cm Vilxbx b 13 cm : 10x13x5 =650ml 16 cm 12 cm Lesson 5 11 cm 16 cm 7 cm 7 cm Vc lxbxh = 7x7x16 = 784 ml Answers Find the capacity of each container in ml b 10 cm 650 ml 13 cm 5 cm 16 cm 1056 ml 12 cm Lesson 5 11 cm 7 cm 784 ml 16 cm 7 cm Extension Container A is filled with water and containers B and C are empty. Some water from container A is poured into containers B and C so that container B is completely full while container C is half full. Find how much water is left in container a in millilitres. 57ml. A 6 cm 4 cm 5 cm 3 cm 4 cm 5 cm. V= lxbxh -5x4x3= 60 md Challenge Question 3 cm 2 cm 3 cm Valxbxh = 3x3x1 =que V= lxban = 6x5x4 120m What height is the water left in the container? 1. 2. a 650 ml a 576 cm³ 51 ml 1.7 cm ANSWERS b 576 ml b 784 ml Extension с 1056 ml Challenge Question