


Volcano and Tectonic Revision Sheet






Shelld Volcanoes
-made of basaltic rock!
and form gently sloping cones
from layers of less viscous lava.


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Shelld Volcanoes
-made of basaltic rock!
and form gently sloping cones
from layers of less viscous lava.


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VOLCANOES TUPES OF VOLCANO Shelld Volcanoes -made of basaltic rock! and form gently sloping cones from layers of less viscous lava. •Gentle and Predictable eruptions found in hot spots & above double oceanic plate boundaries. Ash + Cinder comes •most common, symmetrical cone - may occur as single or secondary coner. Airborne fragments of lava ejected from vent build up to form layen. Calderas •Form when gases. build up under a blocked vent. Results in internal eruptions that form huge craters. at the summit Found on destructive plate boundaries •causes very explosive and unpredictable explosions. Revision ~Key Ideas Acid/Dome Cone DO • Steep sides, form from very viscous lava • Rock type - Rhylotic often found on continental crusts •Cause explosive + un predictable explosions extrusive activity Geysers Boiling mud 1 Hot Springs intrusive activity Lacolith (smaller magma chamber) Composite • most common on land, • Found on destructive plate boundaries. • cause explosive and unpredictable explosions. Volcanic hotspots are caused by a concentration of radioactive elements inside the mantle. From this a plume of magma rises to eat into the plate above. Where lava breaks through. It creates an active volcano. Ash Clouds. small pieces of Extrusive+ Intrusive pulverised rock and gas are shot into the atmosphere. Gas-sulphur dioxide, water vapour + carbon dioxide are all emitted from volcanoes. Volcanic L Batholith (large crystals formed from slowly Cooling magmal Sills (horizontal intrusions along bedding planes. with verticle cooling cracks). ↳Dyka (vertical intrusions, magma cools rapidly on contact with surrounding cooler rock. magma contracts and cracks, causing cuts across bedding planes. Lahars volcanic mudplows usually runs down valleys on volcanoes. Pyro clastic flows- Hazards Fast moving currents of...

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Alternative transcript:

super-heated gas and ash (1000 c) and can travel at 450mph Volcanic bombs- Thick viscous lava fragment that is ejected from the mouth of a volcano. F types of plate boundaries Destructive/Convergent oceanic/oceanic The older, more dense plate subducts below the other, which is then heated and melts as it is forced deeper into the chamber. Forms oceanic trenches. Continental / continental causes a powerful collision, both are equally as dense, which prevents subduction. Forms mountain ranges ~e.g. the Himalayas Constructive JE Continental / continental ↳ Plates moving away from eachother. The overlying plate is stretched thin until it breaks. causes earthquakes Forms rift valleys and streams/rivers flow into ridge to form long lakes. Conservative mainly found on ocean floor 1/^↳ Plates slide past eachother, 74 either at different speeds or in different directions. ↳ No volcanic activity, may cause shallow focus earthquakes. TYPES OF VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS Hawaiian Type - Lava slowly + easily escapes the vent. It is very runny and basaltic. Results in gently sloped volcano. Strombolan~ Gas explosions occur more frequently. Small but very frequent erruptions Vulcanian~ More violent but less frequent than strombolian. Plugs of cooled lava may be ejected in blasts. Vesuvian~ Extremely strong explosions, often occur after a volcano has been lying dormant for a while. Gas and ash clouds fall over vast areas. Krakatoan~ Exceptionally violent Plinian~~ usually the most violent, massive amounts of lava, gas and pyroclastic Flow. Part of the volcano may be removed.