


The Treaty of Versailles






The Treaty of Versailles,
1919 World War I officially came
end with
the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June
in Paris
28, 1919. 32 co


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The Treaty of Versailles,
1919 World War I officially came
end with
the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June
in Paris
28, 1919. 32 co


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The Treaty of Versailles,
1919 World War I officially came
end with
the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June
in Paris
28, 1919. 32 co


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The Treaty of Versailles,
1919 World War I officially came
end with
the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June
in Paris
28, 1919. 32 co


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The Treaty of Versailles, 1919 World War I officially came end with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June in Paris 28, 1919. 32 countries had come together. in January 1919 to hold a conference which would make place after the first World War. came lo an It would be claminated by the big three: Daniel Lloyd George representing Britain; Georges Clemenceau representing France; and Woodrow Wilson representing the USA. Germany was not invited. The Big Three wanted different things for Germany and clisagreed. on hawre harshly they were to be punished reflecting have thire countries were treated in the war. They had to negatiate with each other untill there was a campramise. This was difficult because Wilson was apposed to harsh punishment for Germany. The USA had not been involved in the war as long lang Britain and France and had not recived as much clamage. He wanted to prevent another world wear by creating the league of nations based an his fourteen points to ensure Germany would not be clestrayed and that Germany shouldn't be blame for the war. Clemenceau amms were the harshest of the three- representing the clamage Germany had clone to France's land and people and its threatening proximity. He wanted revenge and to punish Germany to res return Alsace Larraine to France, an inclependent Rhineland, no league of nations, Germany to pay huge reparations for the clamage and losses caused....

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Alternative transcript:

The clisbandment of the German Army so that Germany would newr be strong enough to attack France again. Lloyd George was an in-between. This reflected Britain which had little land damage, but high war losses. He wanted a punishment that would be tough enough to please those who wanted to make Germany pay, but would leave Germany Strong enough to still tracle, land. far Empire to safeguard Britain's Empire naval supemay. Britain's When the Treaty of versailles was ready, Germany was shown the clocument, but there was no negatiation, there rebuttal ignored. On 28th June 1919 the Delegates met at the Hall Mirrors in the Palace of versailles near Paris and forced two German representatives to sign it. AMANG Nude The terms of the Treaty of versailles can be Territorial military graups. of divided into three. and Finacial and economie. Here are some the territorial terms (alsace) Larrance was returned to France Germany was forbidden to unite with Austria lands in East Germany. Including the farmlands of Posen and the polish carricar between East Germany and Eart prussia were given to Polance. The Soar swhich had rich coal fields were given to France for 15 years. All Germany's colonies were taken and given to France and britain as manclates. army Here are some of the military terms the German Only the Vary could mave only have six battleships was restricted to 100,000 men and no submarines and there was to be no air force allowed. The Rhineland was demilitarired this meant the German could not to this area army between France and Germany. да For the financial and economic terms germany would have to pay reparations which eventually be set at an enormous 132 Bilion Gold marks on top of this Germany was not allowed to fain the league of nations and had to accept responsibility for causing all the clamage and lass by the war. Overall the Treaty of Versailles was unpopular with Germany and it's creators. Its terms would go on to be reversed by Germany in both secret and in the open by Hitler and help cause World War Twa.