


Of mice and men character essay plans






OF MICE AND MEN: Curley's Wife, George, Lennie
Curley's Wife:
Thesis: Of Mice and Men is a novella written by John Steinbeck to explore what


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OF MICE AND MEN: Curley's Wife, George, Lennie Curley's Wife: Thesis: Of Mice and Men is a novella written by John Steinbeck to explore what life was like for migrant workers and other minorities during the Great Depression in the 1930's. One of the minorities he thoroughly examines is the character of Curley's Wife who he presents as a 'danger' for the men on the ranch. Despite this, she is often dehumanised and objectified as she is just seen as Curley's property and not an actual person. Steinbecks wants to educate the oppression of women in the 1930's and how unfair it is. She is presented as a trophy-wife for and property of Curley's and is also seen as a mere object by the men on the ranch. "tart" "tramp" "bitch" - these or all derogatory words used for women and emphasis the treatment of women in the 1930's "Curley's Wife" - she is given no name to show that she is nothing but Curley's property. She is presented as 'danger' to the other men. "rouged lips" "Her fingernails were red" "red mules" - this foreshadows that she will be trouble, the red has connotations to blood and danger-> Lennie and her death. "I seen 'em poison before" - she is compared to poison,...

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metaphor? Poison = toxic, fatal She is presented as a woman who yearns for power because women were at the bottom of the hierarchy in society at that time. She is desperate and will do anything to get it. "so that her body was thrown forward" - she sexualises herself to get what she wants and also is a temptress, biblical symbolism -> she is representing Eve from the bible. "You know what I could do?" - she is threatening people she sees is below her (aka Crooks) George: Thesis: Of Mice and Men is a novella written by John Steinbeck to explore the struggles of migrant workers, during the Great Depression. He does this through the character of George Milton, who Steinbeck presents as a mature, and realistic man who shares a dream with his friend, Lennie Small, to keep him hopeful for the future. Steinbeck wants to criticise the futility of the American dream, especially among itinerant migrant workers during the 1930's. He is presented as mature, and takes the role of being Lennie's caretaker because Lennie cannot look after himself. "Hide in the brush till I come for you" - it is a simple instruction, George treats Lennie as if he was a child. "Good boy" - George treats Lennie as a dog, reinforcing the caretaker role. He is presented as lonely without Lennie. Although he acts like he could be better off without him, in reality Lennie actually keeps him company. "I want you to stay with me, Lennie" - he does not want Lennie to leave. "an' you can't get rid of him" - he is used to Lennie's company. Author's intent: to highlight the importance of friendship and how it prevents isolation and makes people feel wanted and happy. He is presented as realistic - he knew deep down that his and Lennie's American dream would never happen and that it would be naive to think it would. "I think I knowed we'd never do her" - refused to accept it until it became reality. "We got ten bucks between us" - unrealistic dream, it was impossible to do because of how less money they have. Lennie: Thesis: Of Mice and Men is a novella written by John Steinbeck to explore the struggles of migrant workers, during the Great Depression. He does this through the character of Lennie Small, who Steinbeck presents as a man who believes obsessively in his American Dream (which he shares with his friend George) to keep him hopeful for the future. Steinbeck wants to criticise society for its ignorance of mentally handicapped people by showing the effects of it through Lennie. Presented as animal like / with animal imagery and described with features of a bear. "Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water" - compared to a bear (metaphor)-> uncontrollable strength! "He shook her; and her body flopped like a fish" - bears eat fish Steinbeck wants to compare Lennie to an animal because animals are seen as innocent, and have no idea of morals. He is presented as lonely, due to George isolating him because he causes trouble "That big new guy's messin' around your pups" - he turns to animals to give him company. "Lennie said softly to the puppy"- talking to animals -> reinforces loneliness. Steinbeck shows how lonely Lennie is and that's why he likes animals so much - they can't cause him trouble. Presents Lennie as a migrant worker who relies heavily on the American dream, as that's what keeps him going and hopeful for the future. "He ain't gonna let me tend no rabbits." - he will not let anything stop him from achieving his goal, which is to look after the rabbits. "You got it by heart. You can do it yourself" - repeated so many times Lennie knows it off by heart although he is forgetful> means a lot to him.