


Macbeth quotes/analysis






Secrecy, Stars bide his
duplicity your fires ler
✓not light see
He knows
black and
nis ambitions deep desires"
are wrong


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Secrecy, Stars bide his duplicity your fires ler ✓not light see He knows black and nis ambitions deep desires" my alliteration are wrong Our follows through snowing weakness imagery light us darkness ✓ mēm. orable macbeth wants to hide or conceal his hve emotions and intentang highlighting intensity + inter yearnings of charactersin guilty با J -aads music- ality + emphasis Cambition but wherefore could not pro nounce Amen' hearts disgusing what they Laisguising are hisquilt & evil which lies within him play make our faces vizards to our I have no spur to prick sides of my intent but only vaulting ambition which dear leapsirself Prominent and falls on the other Paranoid/ worried guilt inner turmoil Strip Shipped fromány Pivotal relation moment to God seperation of morality and ambition is all-consuming + Ulitimately causes his, downfall theme his descent into darkness macbeth Quotes lady macbeth says when you durstao F •Driven by amation to become King influencing nimto commit henious acts "willall great Neptunes ocean wash this blood Clech from my rif throughout hand" then you are distupled + fragmented hyperbole reldhonship with nis faith weak Blood symbolises guilt-he fears thar his doesn't refer to sin/guilt can never be macbeth scum bing to her persuasive tactics and persuasion to commir regocide nighlights his Susceptibility to external influences + his lack of Shong conviction man' easopulated irrationally, exemplyfing weakness washed away- him by Malcolm Change hesitates to carry out Murder despite his ambition and the prophesies of wirchs ne is plagued by doubts, fears showing his vurnarability 'dead butcher" violent-couldn't from start to end guilt+paranoia causes nim ro make impulsive decisions + act his name to dehumanise cyclical structure Starts and ends with war Blowe macbeth' gains back Stomach murder King butcan areartle compared to ( Fightful king Overwhelming ✓ guilt + remorse after killing King. macbern acknowledges that no amount of water can absolve him from his guilt not even Neptunes vast oceans. Showcases illevessible nature of his actions and the haunting buiden he can't escape

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