


Lord of the Flies - Chapter and Character Analysis






Lord of the Flies
+ Summary
-group of choir
- innocence, playfulness, excitment
decide to elect a leader (order)
4 Ralph + Ja


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Lord of the Flies
+ Summary
-group of choir
- innocence, playfulness, excitment
decide to elect a leader (order)
4 Ralph + Ja


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Lord of the Flies
+ Summary
-group of choir
- innocence, playfulness, excitment
decide to elect a leader (order)
4 Ralph + Ja


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Lord of the Flies
+ Summary
-group of choir
- innocence, playfulness, excitment
decide to elect a leader (order)
4 Ralph + Ja


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Lord of the Flies
+ Summary
-group of choir
- innocence, playfulness, excitment
decide to elect a leader (order)
4 Ralph + Ja


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Lord of the Flies
+ Summary
-group of choir
- innocence, playfulness, excitment
decide to elect a leader (order)
4 Ralph + Ja


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Lord of the Flies
+ Summary
-group of choir
- innocence, playfulness, excitment
decide to elect a leader (order)
4 Ralph + Ja


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Lord of the Flies + Summary 1 Chapter -group of choir boys - innocence, playfulness, excitment decide to elect a leader (order) 4 Ralph + Jack + (darker, sinister, upset, angry? Sticks with Ralph find themselves on a desert island. -piggy - Jack leader of 'hunters' - conch (shell) → symbol of order qu Chapter 2 have meetings on beach (civalised) starts to have friction/tension between Ralph + Jack - Kill pigs for food - keep five going -beast on island keeps boys in control (Jack) - Simion (percinie) comes out different - boys Chapter 3 more tension between Ralph + Jack -Jack fails to catch a рід- 28/03 don't like that - let himself down-warnour instinct + Simon do all of the work. - Ralpon, Piggy structure falls away (community) -Simon wanders off - finds place (differce, feminine) Chapter 4 - see ship in distance (going to be saved) - Jack and hunters' kill ↳ five gone out, ship nloves past (Ralph is furious) pigs + + have chant, because warnours. growing talk about beast · Jack lek's Ralph stand up to hime (slaps piggy). break glasses I Chapter 5 -calls meeting (keep five litino monster -Jack runs off and little ones follow (tyrant, fear) + Simon remain. with Ralph try + stay L • only Ralph, piggy • Sam + Eric (twins) Chapter 6 ·Sary + Eric see a body of dead parachutist be think its the Beatst. (boys ?? • Jack becomes frightened (is beast • Jack + Ralph go on expedition to find beast (re-friends) ↳ Jack...

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Alternative transcript:

has clear power over everyone. - Ralph scolds boys • attention turns to Jack (leadership) Chapter 7 • find a large boar + Ralph get caught up in nunt (comes to LP.hunter instinct, savage Surface) • Ralph spears boar, but it gets away (excitement) - Rodger + + reinact witness giant ape-like figure. (beast?) Chapter 8 Jack decides to seperate from Ralph's group (most of the boys join nint) leave pigs head in as an -Simon goes and sees pig up the searon for Monsters) chapter a - Simon discovers. ↳ fells - Ralph + clearing pigs head takes to hire (no escape frame island) only beast is the beast in mankind himself. boys piggy offering head Challucinates) body of parachutist (attacked+murderd by watch this happen Jack's group) the beast. Chapter 10 - Ralph + talk about what happened (quilt) Mething we would have been killed - piggy ріддул in if we did someth -Jack raids Ralph's group 1 steals piggy's glasses (start fire (cold)) 6 beat up ralph + piggy + group Chapter 11 - Ralph + piggy go talk to Jack (reasoning) 4 ralph + fack fight leads to piggy's gone) un conch Smashed Corder L torture sam + Eric. ↳ Ralph escapes to the Jungle 's death Chapter 12 - Ralph hiding from Jack (thinking) ↳ Skull of pig - Jack set Jungle on five to smoke Ralph out + kill hime ↳ Ralph gets to the beach. Naval officer there (rescue?) ↳ Jack & others arrive (shame about actions) OL Lord of the Flies - Character Ralph (protagonist) chosen as leader (elected) Anaysis Le fits the ideal expectations (apperance) ne represents order, civilisation and leadership throughout - offers the boys security & someone to look up to good-willed lots of strengths -Keep hold of the through Piggy, his right hand man' conch (order (rules)! 18/04 can't understand why boys give into the barbarity and Savageness rather than his compert -gives jack an army with the 'nunters' (littlunds) gives nime a tribe or as novel goes on Ralp comes to belive that savagery boys. Lp group exists in all the I determined not to with Jack get caught up - swept away by nunting and the exhilarations and realises that its' in him too. human capacity of evil in everyone's neart. Jack (antagonist) represent desire for power (will do anything for it) Jack is the antithesis of Ralph ・determination complete/direct opposite - desires power over all things (terror) (fear) - continually pushes the boundaries but ultimyaley by using fear + terror he can get greater realises that. control. can't kill a L pig for first time (savagery - furious with himiself (faliure) Lends up obsessed with this task gives himself over to bloodlust (Savagery not taken over) uses boys' rear of 'beastie' to control their behaviour reminder of now religion and superstition can be Manipulated into instuments of power.. no moral restrain (embraces violence)- takes him over not desperate to be a leader (never going to be). I dosn't fit the mark. (apperanck) (loyal) -His and Ralph's friendship is centented right at the start. extremely interlectual + talkative (vocal) (key to plot) L He is the brains behind Ralph's ideas and innovations. ・dosn't interfere and say its his idea. I conch (hey example) Cleadership + brains. because of his physical inferiority he is vunerable and isn't taken seriously. (weight, a joke) - happy for. Ralph's acceptance. Ralph never turns on him (loyalty) and does ant anthing bad about /to nine. thoughtful 2 Take the muikey out of him (not one of the lads) stands up to fack (steals glasses) moral core (strengths) boys - tries to stick up for himself - when dance over sinion's death piggy says it was an accident (group interfeared in his morals & thoughts) + L₁ -Piggys death -intentional (moraly bad, within us). when kill him and conch smashed that ties to + civilisation are over. Ralph on his own (sad) ·Saveragry numanity and terror have taken over (prevailed) wins, takes over Lord of the Flies - characters Simon connected to natore. ne embodies an inate spiritual numan. happy and at one with nature Simon and Jack are opposites (primative goodness vs primative evil) rules and shows moral good and - Simon is happy to abide secrative is arguably affected by the spirit of the island. ( looking + embracing the nature of the island) - he acts adds and different to other. boy's → sny + (the boys see him as dunique in folt a negative way ·boys ignore + isolate him (nomosexual references (feminine)) Goulding wants to show that people in the war would have been Victimised and ridiculed because they were homosexual but or not what they are accepted to be. (why can't we be accepted if we are different) goodness 9/5 → Simon has ept epilepsi and takes himself off to have the sexured + boys do see it. (having/thowing a funny funny and being queer) suggests he can control it J -first person on the island to that there is sorvething bad 4 say on, on the island. & thinks the nightmares are the fact that the island isn't a good place. (but never thinks there is a beast on the island) 4 if there is a beast it lurks within us. caused going Yoy + u evil that exists in mankind. (gouldings message maturifiy not shared by any other members of the group) Simon has tried to give the boys messages but none of the boys listen to his advice + dismiss him. Simon has problems speaking outloud but acts kindly towards the younger chitoren + sticks up for piggly (moral) V 1 Simon meets load of the flies (offering to L sees parachutist and has a the beast) secure ruhning from it. 'he wants to tell the boys that he is right and comes across the Wed. pigs head starts talking to him and + pigs voice of a school master.... • beast tells him that (Jack & tribe) f imagines it as the going to get him. think ave they (simon is the crist figure and knows what the boys of him and goes to tell the boys there is no beast but a tribal dance) as he on to beach are • has a halo around his whole body. ultimally leads to Ralph's survival. goes they doing • Kills Simon (tragic + sacraficual death (could have put up fight, (push him over cliff + into the sea. "the water rose further and dressed Simon's coarse hair with. brightness, the line of his cheek silvered." Shows as simon dies he becomes like a religious ) celestial figure.