


language paper 1 and 2






kansuage paper &
QI (5mins) (4 marks)
Skill you are being tested on:
1.reading correct section
2. picking information on the correct t


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kansuage paper &
QI (5mins) (4 marks)
Skill you are being tested on:
1.reading correct section
2. picking information on the correct t


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kansuage paper &
QI (5mins) (4 marks)
Skill you are being tested on:
1.reading correct section
2. picking information on the correct t


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kansuage paper &
QI (5mins) (4 marks)
Skill you are being tested on:
1.reading correct section
2. picking information on the correct t


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kansuage paper &
QI (5mins) (4 marks)
Skill you are being tested on:
1.reading correct section
2. picking information on the correct t


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kansuage paper &
QI (5mins) (4 marks)
Skill you are being tested on:
1.reading correct section
2. picking information on the correct t


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kansuage paper &
QI (5mins) (4 marks)
Skill you are being tested on:
1.reading correct section
2. picking information on the correct t


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kansuage paper &
QI (5mins) (4 marks)
Skill you are being tested on:
1.reading correct section
2. picking information on the correct t


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kansuage paper &
QI (5mins) (4 marks)
Skill you are being tested on:
1.reading correct section
2. picking information on the correct t


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T kansuage paper & сде QI (5mins) (4 marks) Skill you are being tested on: 1.reading correct section 2. picking information on the correct topic 3. Choosing small pieces of information 4. paraphrasing or quoting directly do: read the correct section •use quotation marks "pick four pieces of evidence or paraphrase using Synonyms dont: read the incorrect section "choose I ong quotes include more than four pieces of evidence 3 Q₂ (10 mins) (smarks) Skill you are being tested. selecting relevant quotes 32. analysing Language 3. technique spotting 4. explaining /exploring effect. 76. Linking to the focus of the question do: • identury techniques and relevant punctuation "use synonyms comment on imagery • explain writers intention. clont: reward quotations in analysis "ignore techniques "provide just one interpretation choosing Long quotations language paper 2 Q2 continued → 1→ Language Sentence starters and key words: the writer uses Language... the word/phrase... this connotates... the similie... the effect... this creates an image... the writers intention... it could. also mean... the imagery of.... Q3 (12 mins) (8 marks) → writer structure interest you Skills you are being tested on: 1. reading the whole extract 2. identifying the beginning, middle and end 3. identifying structural features (person, place tumel 4. explain how the feature moves the narrative on. do: Inove *consider the whole text • identify 2-3 structural features. "comment on the beginning and end dont: "analysid language forget • to link structural to line number or quotations sentence starters and key words: 3 we start... this focuses the reader on... the the change ......

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Alternative transcript:

this is a contrast... in the beginning... in person. at the end... the reader reauses... the reader questions... the reader can predict that... the cader feels... the shift in time... this Links back co Q4 20 mins (20 marks) → to what extend dou agree Skills you are being tested on: 1. giving 2-3 reasons to support a general Statement. 2. Finding evidence to support your reasoning 3. Justifying your choice of evidence. 4-Link back to the statement. kanguage paper де Q4 continued. do: •use synonyms to build your argument. • include 5-6 pieces of evidence to support justify every quote you include dont: = •read the wrong section unclude a quote without a justification • ignore the bullet points. sentence starters and key words: I agree... the writers creates the effect... the this links to the statement... developing this shows this... this is because ... shows this..... this is because Supports the idea..... this supports the idea that. Q5 40 mins (40 marks) desruption based on picture skills you are being tested On: using a range of descriptive techniques 2. Using challenging vocabulary. 3.developing a clear narrative 4. controwed use of punctuation. 5.spell acurately do: use sophisticated Language eruote this idea...' create a storyline *vary sentence structure proofreed. dont : use simple language all the time put too many techniques in one paragraph •wrice before you plan, I language paper + Q5 continued sentence storters and key words: mechaphor, similie, personification, alliteration, adverbs, adjectives, interesting verbs, complex sentences, compound sentences, compound sentences, simple. sentences, time line, punctuation. writing question you get to pick between two options. the likely hood. is that you will choose between despitive and narrate. descrube →will probably be describe on umage given to you in the exam paper. maximum of three events can occur in the whole, must be in the third person, past tense mostly about mood and atmosphere being buit up through setting and a focus on detous. Should allow the reader to unfer something about place / character. narrate →not a feature length film... focus on one or two parts of a story arc. exposition of setting/character; rising action; climox; falling action. easiest in parst tense third person Sentence types simple →onemain clause, a subject (who or what Les about), verb/action/dong), object (consequence or what the verb affects) example: boy kicked ball. snow fell onto the ground. compound → two main clauses joined by 'and", but, so example the boy kicked the ball and his father caught it, she walked to the shop but it was closed. "complexone moun clause (a simple sentence) but with extra detail doded which doesn't make sense on its own (subordinate clause). no comma needed if the extra detail scarts the sentence. language paper 4 1 examples: she stayed with him although she was langry, although she was angry, she stayed with him. complex internal embedded clause → the subordi- nate clause is in the middle of the main clause to add more information specifically to the subject of the sentence connmas should be on euther side of the extra information example: cheg boy, whose clothes were drenched, Scood in the doorway punctuation marks FULL SCOP → ends sentence question mark → ends with curiosity exclamation mark →nigh/strong emotion semi colon → joins two main clauses that are related in mear aning brackets suggests related but not important Structural features for Q3. ape impact sentence of fragment: contains three or less words. repetition: a word of phrase that is used more than I once. triple: three adjectives or phrases used to describe something 3Juxtaposistion : two things placed cogether to highlight the contrast between them angphora: the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a successive clauses Listing: a number of connected items written one after the other to emphasise a particular. quality. S J 3 language paper Links between paragraphs: a recurring idea, character or object in two or more foreground the importance. Shifts in FOCUus! the change of focus in or between paragraphs. zooming in and out: the narrowing or widening of the narrative FOCUS. Chronological structure: arranged in the order of ame. flashback/flashforward: set earlier or later than the main narrative chronological structure: arranged in order of time Links between the beginning and ending: a narrative link between hanguage paper 2 QI (5mins) 4 markS choose 4 statements below which are true. Skills you are being tested on: 1. reading for explict med meaning 12. reading for implicit med meaning 3. Selecting relevant information. 4. choosing correct statements do: •read for bone •scan the statements 'check statements against extract • shade 4 circles only dont: • Shade in all boxes read the incorrect section Q2 (8mins & marks use details from both sources to write a su skills you are being tested on: 1. selecting important differences on a topic 2, selecting precise quotes 3. making simple unferences 4. explaining a clear comparison between do: pour differences in each source select a small quote for each make a simple inference •clearly state the difference don't: • comment on feelings • comment on imagery • technique spot comment on reader. semary Jo sources 1 I kanouage paper I Q2 continued 1. Select Language that links to topic 2. (dentify techniques 3. explore their effect 4. Link to the question topic do: • sentence starters and keywords: in source a... this suggests... however, on the other hand...alternately in source b... the difference us Q3 (12-15 mins) 12 marks how does the writer use Language to descrube Skills you are being tested on: "curice about the question FOCUS select precise quotes. comment on the effect technique spot e dentr summaruse 'choose cong cruotes. • read the inncorrect searction. Sentence starters and key words: 3 the writer uses Language... the word/phrase... this connotates... the simille... the effect... this creates an image... the writers intention... it could also mean... the imagery Of. Q4 (20mins 12 marks compare how the writers convery different ideas and perpectives Skills you are being tested on: • comparing whole texts making detailed inferences 1 • explaining now writes methods get their cdeas/ Perspectives across. AVAI - language paper 2 64 continued AS explain thoughts/feelings of the writer -pick evidence to support focus on if /how cone change B dont analyse imagery cation I choose cong quotations. ery and comment on every part of the source sentence starters and key words: one writer feels... the writer thinks... the tone changes in this paragraph... ch the owote... ches suggests... the write works... the writer believes... this gives the impression...makes reader begin co (40 mins) 40 marks. D