


English language paper2 Q3 full mark answer






You now need to refer only to Source A from lines 29 to 38.
How does the writer use language to describe the rain and the stor


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You now need to refer only to Source A from lines 29 to 38.
How does the writer use language to describe the rain and the stor


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You now need to refer only to Source A from lines 29 to 38.
How does the writer use language to describe the rain and the stor


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03 6 06 10:05 You now need to refer only to Source A from lines 29 to 38. How does the writer use language to describe the rain and the storm? [12 marks] The writer use The main technique the writer user is imagery to take the reader on a Journey go what into the rain and Storm was line. She reveals to the reader that suddenly there was a squal of activity as the sky darkend". The writers chance of the adveny suddenly to describe me compers reactions suggest that the storm was nexpected and Suprising. Fo • Furthermore "Suddenly"` drows me in me headers attention and Cheater a Sense of urgency when read, this destroys. The once calm domosphene perhaps to mirror now the storm Came and brought Chaes to the people. Furthermone the writer uses detailed imagery to desimbe 5 One storm as a Direct, the rain sell in -thich steady drops"! Ussually one rovin is light as it falls however perhaps the writar weed one" advery" (mich" to show the destructive nature of me stoom and to emphasise Its strengtion. In addition one adresh" steady" creates has connotations of controll wich juxta poses es not the nature of storing A Do n outside IB/G/Jun22/8700/2 box 7 of Stors are ussverly wild. Perhap Therefore The writer describes me storm to his to evone fear and to the mone controll, no store her the more possible donyers there are. However Steady Soxtaposes rindom"...

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Alternative transcript:

wich also chatte con The writer also uses metaphorical Language to describe the storm from being incididual to "Pach live". This change in charactersection of the storm presents the Storm er more destructive and dangerous is. This is because the writers use of in metaphone and simalie in "pack-line", Utarally means that the Storm drops were becoming closer together and violent. Homener ba's "pain" also forces the reader to magine & pach of animald of weisuch as wother and there fone raviser the tension and fear. This is one to fact that it presents me storm or a group and as an enemy against the people at the compsite. The whiter also user noinforces this sense of being a group Arrough her use of alliteration and fodlonce • shipping, shaped line a Proen af startings":" The symatti sybalance creater a harsh ish" sound for the newder to read 07 one out wich could perhaps reve imply that 12 rain and storm was harsh, notent and potentially dangerous. Do not write outside the box Turn over ► IB/G/Jun22/8700/2 08 Extra space 8 finally the writer uses a semantic toca field of notence destruction to describe The violent nature of the Storm. The rain was "Slashing", "battering" and "Clattering, the continued use of viment verns herove emphusise the storms physicall power wich maken ve appear mone dongerous to me newder, "Ballering evokes the Perhaps the writer chose the very battening to evene One reader to imagine Something pounding and potentially breaking someming wich reinforces the idea that the storms destructive Overa, due to me cunters use of imagens The reader to atmosphere neconds chabric awhilst being tence with evokes a sensey Panic and fear for the reader. IB/G/Jun22/8700/2 A Do no outsi 5