


Dracula chapter summaries and analysis






→writing, journaling
and messaging
→llness. madness and
→life, death and the


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CHAPTER ONE THEMES. →writing, journaling and messaging →llness. madness and confinement →life, death and the undead. CONVENTIONS OF A DIARY → first person →nomo diegetic narrative times and dates thoughts and feelings →personal deixis →mental verbs 'the women looked pretty except when you got near them. but they were very clumsy about the waist context: women are getting objectified. During the victorian period the suffragette's campaigned for greater equality. People questioned how and if women had any important roles in society, aside from raising children and maternal care KEY POINTS Jonathan Harker keeps detailed notes of his journey from London to Transylvania On St. George's day jonathan is collected by the count's Idriver and travels alone. -Jonathan jees strange →He is gripped by a dread ful fear as they arrive at castle Dracula. blue flames and is threatened by wolves "I had visited the British Museum context: Theme of colonialism. The middle class travelled the globe. The British and Western. christian civilisation is superior to east which is called Eurocentrism This suggests that Harker nas eurocentric views. 'coal-black, brown. black darkness, mant A Jemantic field of darkness Darkness is a convention of the gothic genre as it fore bodes dark omen. A pool of darkness alerts the reader that something hazardous is about to happen. CHAPTER FOUR →writing journaling and messaging Illness, madness and confinement → Christianity science and the occult → Romantic love, seduction and sexual purity. context Dracula sleeps in a coffin to restore his strength. CHAPTER SEVEN →Writing, journaling, and messaging →llness, madness and confinement life, death and the undead KEY POINTS! → A. ship with a dead man arrives in the harbour at whitby. →Count Dracula's boxes are unloaded →The captain's log recounts a tale of norror at sea → Mr swales is found dead at Mina and Lucy's favourile...

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seat, overlooking the graveyard. 'He can't hurt those big boxes' epistemic modality The modal auxillory verb 'can't suggests that the captain is sure of his statement, however he is using epistemic modality to calm mimself down or reassure himself as he is scared. KEY POINTS Jonathan Harker attempts to smuggle. a message out of the castle. →He discovers. count Dracula sleeping in a box in a ruined 'She threw herself on her knees! Kinesics, material verbs (threw) The lady is shown to be submissive to the Wolves, because she is desperate to get her baby back. The kinesics depict that she is not in power. context shapeshifter legends can be found in many cultures around the world such as celtic selkie, Native American Nanabozho, Greek Zeus. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevensonn 11886) takes the idea of shape-shifting and multi-personality into a gothic novel 'He' 'It' uses of pronouns, Sigmund Freud. The pronoun he suggests that this 'being' has a conciousness and a mind to make choices las freud's tripartik theory Juggests. CHAPTER ELEVEN →Mrs Westenra removes the qarlic from Lucy's room Gran helsing gives blood to Lucy by transfusion A wolf breaks into cucy's room fale. CHAPTER TWO Illness,madness and confinement →Christianity science. and the occult →life, death and the undead Romantic love, seduction and sexual purity. I must have been asleep' Dynamic modality Dynamic modality is the range of possibilities for a thing to act. The modality here shows Harkers' uncertainty and suggests that he is questioning his reality. →Ms weslenia dies of shock, leaving Lucy alone to meet her context: Modernist views Based on utopian vision of human life, society and beleif in progress or Imoving forward. It is assumed that certain. ultimate universal principles or truths such as those formulated by religion or science could be used to understand or explain reality.. The victorian era saw a →Dracula's journey to London DRACULA development of psychoanalysis begins. I sympathise with poor Desmedona when she had such a dangerous Stream poured in her ear Desmedona is the heroine in othello by shakespeare she attracted to the war hero othello, who kills her in jelous passion Lucy is reffering to the attractions of risk and danger, indicating the unwije, wilder part of her nature. The pronoun 'It' suggests that this 'being' doesn't nave a conciousness, making me possibilities of what It is and what it can do endless KEY POINTS →Jonathan Harker meets count Dracula CHAPTER FIVE THEM: writing journaling and messaging →Illness, madness and confinement →Christianity science and the occult Romantic love, seduction and sexual purity. Jonathan Harker assists Icount Dracula with his plans to move to London 'heard a sort of how! like a dog's but more fierce and deeper' Sensory verb → He notices that Dracula nas no reflection in a mirror Jonathan realises that he is a prisoner in Dracula's castle 'held out his hana' out in kinesics, material verbs Kinesics are gestures, postures and any other motion of the body. Body language Ishows who is in power during the moment. As Dracula is holding. out his hand to Harker he is being submissive. CHAPTER EIGHT Writing, journaling and messaging context Psychology and clinical psychology (mostly invented by sigmund Freud. people were known to have been using smelling salts. CHAPTER NINE THEMES →illness, madness and confinement christianity science and occult life death and the undead. KEY POINTS context Women's sexuality In the victorian era, women were expected to only be sexual to conceive (after marriage). Hypersexuality was not accepted. The theme of a woman's sexualty is seen throughout the novel (Lucy). If a woman allows her sexual desires to conquer her, she will share Lucy's fale. Mina and Jonathan are married; they agree to not discuss Jonathan's adventures abroad -Renfield escapes again to Carfax christianity, Science and the occult life death and the undead. KEY POINTS →Mina Murray looks forward to her fiance's return from abroad Her friend, Lucy Westenia. receives three marriage proposals CHAPTER THREE THEME KEY POINTS Lucy, after sleepwalking outside at night, appears to have a small wound on her neck Pomantic love, seduction and sexual purity illness, madness and confinement Christianity, science and the occult →Life, death and the undead Count Dracula's boxes are moved to Carfax →Mina Murray receives news of Jonathon, who is safe but suffering madness →Renfield escapes from Dr sevard's asylum but is recaptured in the grounds of carfax. KEY POINTS →Jonathan impressed by count Dracula's intimate knowledge of local history and hi's grasp of legal detail → He witnesses Dracula's departures from the castle 'rosy alow' 'red eyes! 'burning flames' red sunlight 'red light! semantic field of rea and orange raggressive colours) creates a pool of anger and fear. which forebodes possible. violence or bloodshed. →Jonathan is visited by three women, who are restrained by the count → He realises he is to be a victim of these women at count Dracula's pleasure ·licked her lips like an animal' Animal imagery The three vampires are presented as animal-like. The licking of the lips illuminates now. hungry and desperate they are for blood. This presents the vampires as blood-thirsty and untamed. CHAPTER SIX writing Journaling and messaging →llness, madness and confinement life, death and the undead. KEY POINTS Mina arrives in whitby Lucy developes a habit of sleepwalking →Dr Jeward learns about Penfield's diet →An old man, Mr Swales, talks about suicide, lies and approaching death. 200phagous maniac' Pre-modifier Renfield has requested a kitten to eat. 200 phaqous defines to feeding on other animals. This is not normal, cawing fear and disqust to the reader, as Penfield nas already eaten bugs. The pre-modifier intensifies maroc →Dr Abranam van helsing is consulted about Lucy's Mysterious illness Lucy takes a sudden. turn for the worse. CHAPTER TEN KEY POINTS Arthur Holmwood gives his blood to Lucy by transfusion →Dr Jeward leaves Lucy uprotected at night →Now it is Dr Jeward's turn to give his blood to Lucy van helsing decorates Lucy's bedroom with garlic context The enlightenment The age of science and the enlightenment were European Imovements which followed me 30 years war (1618-1648) and other Minor wars of reformation. (neoclassism) van helsing is a 'philosopher and metaphysician' context a metaphysician is a student or specialist in philosophy with particular interest in theory of knowledge and abstract concepts (can be occult mysteries] They wished to create a rational Society founded by naturalism, Ideism or atheism and logic Iscience. sensory verbs are more powerful and memorable than ordinary verbs, they allow the reader to begin to imagine the howling, to understand the scene better.