


child language acquisition theorists






Jean Piaget cognitive approach.
-believed that cognitive development had to
come before language development.
- this is split into four stag


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Jean Piaget cognitive approach.
-believed that cognitive development had to
come before language development.
- this is split into four stag


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Jean Piaget cognitive approach. -believed that cognitive development had to come before language development. - this is split into four stages: -Sensorimator stage (0-2 years) begins to react with environment. buses senses and physical movement. C child is egocentric (doesnt understand the feelings or needs of others). begins to develop object permenance 2. Preoperational stage (2-7 years). learning to speak develops imagination remains egocentric (mostly). 3- concrete operational stage (1-12 years). 4 stops being egocentric ↳more capable of logical thought 4. formal operational stage (11-16 + years) logical thought. abstract thinking. chomsky: nativist approach -children are born with a language acquisition device (LAD), innate ability to learn language -children leam by hearing language use -LAD contains universal grammar, any child is born with knowledge of grammatical rules (difference between noun andverb etc). -all human languages share the same basic rules that are subconsciously learned and acknowledged by babies. child language acquisition approaches. B.F. Skinner-benaviourist approach. --operant conditioning behaviour that is Spontaneous but the consequences will impact future behaviour. -positive reinforcement: a reward or praise from a parent that encourages repeated action -negative reinforcement: Less favourable response, correction, punishment means. child is less likely to do this again.. Skinner's four-term contingency. 1. motivator 2. discriminative stimuli 3. response 4. reinforcing stimuli. (Spinner also accepts that children learn through imitation of others) Jerome Bruner: interactionist approach. -language acquisition support system. (LASS), the importance of caregivers - scaffolding through: questions.encouragement support. -A caregiver may use child directed speech. (CDS) to make learning easier for children....

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This includes a slower rate, statements, questions and orders. Also the use of words like doggy dummy' and 'dada' to help memory / pronunciation