


All theories of child language acquisition summary






• Pre-talking/cooing-00-6
Babbling stage - 6-8 months
• Holophrastic stage - 9-18 mont


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• Pre-talking/cooing-00-6
Babbling stage - 6-8 months
• Holophrastic stage - 9-18 mont


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• Pre-talking/cooing-00-6
Babbling stage - 6-8 months
• Holophrastic stage - 9-18 mont


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• Pre-talking/cooing-00-6
Babbling stage - 6-8 months
• Holophrastic stage - 9-18 mont


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4 Theories STAGES OF LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 5 months. O • Pre-talking/cooing-00-6 Babbling stage - 6-8 months • Holophrastic stage - 9-18 months. D to Two word stage - 18-24 month; • Yelegraphic stage →→ 24-20 months Multiword stege - 30 + months. HALLIDAY'S FUNCTIONS OF LANGUAGE O RECAP 3 HW • Instrumental & fulgel a need, like good / drunk / confort • Regulatory-• ingluence behowar of others, persuading / commanding / requesting the people to do things • Interactitional Develop social relationships 6 O • Personal -o express preferences & identity, "HERE I AM" function D • Informational to exchinging information, relaying's requesting info • Heuristic-o leam is explore. the environment to to leam, questions is commentary alongside play 5 • Imaginative-o explore the imagetation, accompanying play while Oneginary children create world CHILD DIRECTED SPEECH, Co physically exoggenated speech tourndo babces / young children. Coengaging for the child 6 。 features - sing-song voice, slow pace, emphors on certain syllables. gestures / movements: gaad expressions BEHAVIOURISM & NATIVISM. 6 Shemer (behavcarust) to renforcement principles ( pox't we renforcement is provise). La language acquisition to a cognitive behavar to operant conditioning to brial and error of language Bruner 4 All children are bom with on ability to develop lenguage but they require regular interaction with conegevers to achieve full fluency Loreed a longuage Acquisition Support System (LASS) 16 Chomsky (natevist) to inherite on ability to learn any human language to con't leam through imitation alone. bevery child has a language acquisition device (CAD) which programmes major...

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Alternative transcript:

principles of language GENIE CASE STUDY • Abused old O from years • Experienced no communication (except borking its growling) to when rescued she only knew her name & sorry Unable to achieve CLA even in on erreched Peaming environment to Lincted to two word stage 0 Loonly up-t0 100 words acquired oonly able to communicate through drawing from-verbal & sumple words Communication s • mossed critical stage of language acquisition (age 1) BERKO'S WUG TEST!" • Test knowledge of morphology words Lo children Team though tmctating pattems not just repeating" To one wug-o two wigs birth-13 Loungs cren't real yet we can create new language COGNITIVE THEORY! ها 6 9 • Sensorennotor stage -0 0-2 years old to achieve object permanance (peek-aboo is hide and seek) Preoperational stage - 2-7 years old to children can think of things symbolically. to thinking is ego-centric. the child may struggle taking a •Concrete operational stage -0 4-11 years Cological / operational thought, children can work things out internally, conservation is achieved formal operational stage -o 11 13 years old. to cheldren develop the ability to think of abstract objects & test hypotheses ideas A on others PLAGEY o children lean language as they explore their prisonment O Schemes • • Assimilation. Lo Using existing schema to deal with a new enveromment etc. Accomodation to building blocks & knowledge, becoming more complex we develop grther O • Adjacency pairs. to when two O 6 If the existing schema doesn't work it needs to be changed or develop to deal with or new envurorment / situation TRANSCRIPT ELEMENTS Ú HW people are • ore covolved in a conversation together Interrogatives To Questan sentences (uto, why, when, where, what?) as SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVIST THEORY! osocio- • in Children acquire their cultural values, beligs's problems cromated Arough collaborative di abgues with others in society play /6 cmportance of social interaction Logain higher mental functions. Community plays a major part in "makling meoning behind Inguage VYGO PSKY • alderikion, sensat.con, perception & memory • Cheldron dhow upon normal exper vence to ungluence their play • Children can adapt different scenerios to suncler places beog. breatouse: • more knowledgable than other (mko) to somebody who how a better understanding / higher ability con guide a student 6 Zone of proximal development (ZPD) 46. Difference between what a child con achieve ondependently ve with on MKO FRANK SMITH (READING), • stories, • Children leam to recognize whole words because they are searching questions for meaning & pattines chiprae reading ability to decoding" is to bransform visal presentation of linguage ento meaning 6 Phonics can be useful for ungemelvor words, but slows down reading and makes it tedious FRITH Lo longuage acquisitivon stages 0 • logographic stage -• child processes words in the ame ou attires way లు different to cheld acquires explicit kroutedge of phonemes show to menge sanda, decoding begins Lo Dysteric leamers struggle pout this stage orthographic stage. • Alphabetic stage to cheld visually represerbos words in a format from other objects •-• children do not need to sound out words on a regular bax's & con recognise many. words automatically GOODMAN 。 Whole language theory. to chaldren should focus on meaning is strategy instruction. to Yeach to develop a whole knowledge of language 6 Quality childrens literature provided, studente's generation of storces CABERGE & SAMUELS clusters • Readers dore letters, concenerts" and wouls (ounds without Vowels) and phonetically spelled words and their semantic meaning in their memory PHONICS &WHOLE WORD APPROACH ophonecs - endived val syllables / sounds build up to makle a word To whole word approach & Recognice whole words is their shopes