


A Christmas Carol Context + Main Character analysis






Christmas Carol.
External heat and cold
had little influence
on scrooge
... as the clerk came in with
the shovel, th


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Christmas Carol.
External heat and cold
had little influence
on scrooge
... as the clerk came in with
the shovel, th


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Christmas Carol.
External heat and cold
had little influence
on scrooge
... as the clerk came in with
the shovel, th


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Christmas Carol.
External heat and cold
had little influence
on scrooge
... as the clerk came in with
the shovel, th


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Christmas Carol.
External heat and cold
had little influence
on scrooge
... as the clerk came in with
the shovel, th


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Christmas Carol.
External heat and cold
had little influence
on scrooge
... as the clerk came in with
the shovel, th


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Christmas Carol.
External heat and cold
had little influence
on scrooge
... as the clerk came in with
the shovel, th


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Christmas Carol. cold-hearted. External heat and cold had little influence on scrooge " Miserly ... as the clerk came in with the shovel, the master predicted. that it would be recessary to part". Disbelieving "you may be on undigested bit of beef..." "His own heart laughed". " "Hard and sharp as flint. Grateful (34) "G..] do it with a thankful heart" Me. A golden Fearful Ghost of the future, I fear you more any spectar seen. than Superior "Every idiot who goes about with Christmas' Avasicious "Another idol has displaced one." Scrooge "1 on his lips should be boiled with his own Merry pudding... Anti-social "Solitary as an cyster". Lonely "A solitary child, neglected by his friends". "A solitary did, neglected by his friends". Regretful "There was a boy singing a christmas carol at "My door last night. Ishould like to have given him something Reformed "I hope to live to be another man from what I was" uncharitable. "I can't afford to mak " idle people Merry Transformed "scrooge was better than his word Remorseful. did I walk through "why crowds of fellow-beings with My eyes turned down"! " Yound hope of escaping fate." Tortured. "No rest, no peace. incessant torture of remorse". Restless. "I can not rest, 1 can not stay, I can not linger anywhere cheerful christmas unde!" "Merry God save you!"kal Loyal "I have nothing to say against him" Hopeful "He can't help thinking better of Christmas) if he finds me going there, •good temper, year. in Regretfull mankind should have been my business. • after year cares for his friend. Jacob Marley Jogial "If you should happen [...] to know a man More blast laugh than Scrooge's nephew [...] I should like to know in a him boo pityingert "who suffers by his ill whims? Himself" Scrooges) Fred nephew! Desperate ""Hear me! Impatient "1 "At this the spirit raised frightful cry" Patient "I am sorry "A chance...

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Alternative transcript:

and hope of my procuring, Ebenezer" was ignorant. Not to know that no space of regret can make amends for one life's opportunity misused? My time is nearly gone? Accepts responsibility. "I wear the chain I forged in life Determined. I mean to give him the same chance every year whether he Kkes it welcoming "Let him in! It is a mercy he didn't shake his arm off" For [Scrooge). couln't be if I tried angry with himh Quick witted "what reason have you to be morose. You're rich enough!" ruddy and handsome; his eyes sparkled" Lively His face was Puzzled "I want nothing from you; I ash nothing of you; why can not we be friends. Values Christmas good! time; a kind, " A forgiving, charitable, Pleasant time Maltreated "the clerk's fire was so very much smaller Loving "Bob had hugged his daughter to his heart's content" stacal "My Clerk, with fifteen shillings a week talking about a merry christmas Impressionable. "the clerk in the tank involuntairly applauded". Playful The clerk [...) went down a slide on cornhill (...) twenty times in honour of it's being christmas eve". Proud (Bob) Deserving "Bob had but fifteen 'Bob a week himself [:) and yet the ghost of christmas present blessed his four-roomed house!! 81 Revered spirit of Ting Tim, thy essence was from God!" childish Bob Cratchit and Tiny TIM Blessed. "God bless us, every one!" [...] Scrooge, the founder of the La Feast!" Grateful "I'll give you. Cinef strichen Bob's mild calm 'My dear, was answer; christmas Day." young cratchits got upon his unees and laid, each child a little check, against his face". "He hoped the people I saw him in chuch 6 to remember upon Christmas day who made Iame beggars walk and blind. men See. Loved. If The two Fearful "Bob held his withered withered little hand in his, as if he (...) dreaded that he 2 My little, little chid might be taken from him". Emotional Bob's voice has tremulous when he told him this Not self-pittying (Tiny Tim)- supernatural found "Scrooge himself face to face with visitor." uncharly the " the figure itself visits school. Eyes changing fluctuated in its solitary his friends, child, neglected by is left there shill. Provocative (when visiting Fezzing) Induces Emotions "your lip is trembling E..) and what is that upon you neek?. "A small matter to make these solly folus so full of gratitude" "There was a boy singing a christmas carol at door last ・night. The Ghost of Christmas Past 2 I should like to have given him something" Remorse. "Rise! and walk with 'me!" 'The group men's hand was not to be as a resisted. Impaitent urgent. Encourages Regreta and Dimmed. "you are one of those whose passions made this cap. Assertive "The relentless akase pinched, him in both his arms and Forced him to observe knowing. Sarashie! "Strange to have forgotten it for so many "years!" A reminder of FAMILY BOND. She died a woman, and had, as I think, children (...) qu "My lime grows short Quich!" you'r nephew!" "When he thought that such samother J creature [..) Might have called him father his sight. dim in cleed". grew very 47 'Let us go on" "Let us see another Christmas!". Dominent. A strange voice called him by his name and bade him enter. He obeyed. Supernatural "He Shed a few drops of Christmas of water and their good humour was restored. Echoing "If he's like to die, he better do at and decrease the surplus population" Ephemeral 'My life upon this grobe is very •brief".. Powerful it seemed to scatter gloom and misery. Wany Sinister "It's mysterious Presence filled him with a Solemn dread. Fearsome "1 His legs Frembled beneath him Pahent "The Spint paused amoment [..] giving him time to recover Pilying hand trembled. "The kind The Ghost Present nor Moved Advisory "They are man's" "Cheery urice Prescient silent "The spirit neither spoke I see a vacent Seat (.) the child will die" "Beware them both". [refering to ignorance and want) Porten tous. The Spirit Stood among the graves, and pointed down to One". (Yer To Come 'Joyfu ar The Ghost of Christmas " e Inisent Shill the ghost Ephemeral "e shrunk, Benevolent "To a poor one Most [...) because it needs it most. Omnipresent Pointed with an unmoved. fingure to the head. Collapsed and dwindled down into a bedpose". the grave Friendly 1 The spints eyes were clear and hind "A place where miners live, who labour in the bowels of the earth [...). they found a cheerful any "If there is person in the town who feels emotion caused by this man's death (...) show that person to Spint Literal • company. They unequivocal "The fingure pointed from to him, and back again. The only emotion that the ghost could show him [...] was one de of pleasure.". Contex Charles Dickens → Born into middle class family. → Father was imprisoned for debt. Had to give up education to work in factory. → worked as a clerk at a firm and court reporter. wrote Christmas carol' in 1843. Experienced prison and poverty during childhood. (A Christmas Carol roxy- → wore to show childrens fate. → the low about child labour needs to change. gone wondwide. at a ・young age. Sarlah 10A انا الام امام استان هماه 4 Poverty in Victorian Brihan meni) → 1780: Industial Revulation began when people used coal - fired sheam engines to power machines. Many factory works lived in extreme poverty. → People lived in cheap, overcrowded housing, that lead to hunger, desease and crime. → Children suffered the most due to working in poor conditions for long hours. → He belived the world would be better and there was enough food to go around if rich helped the poor.. → There was a poor law (Religion) middle class, and upper, were Christians. many → Going to church every Sunday. Being a good christian meant helping the poor. was shut then, and not able to → everything enjoy the day off. Charity Lote way → Cap between poor and rich was huge LET → Some nich wanted to help the poor they created quality homes and lifestyles for their workers. → Many of the rich were only concerned about gaining more money. → Dickens belived all rich should help the poor, Christmas → Hardly celebrated at the start of 1800's. → And of 19th Century: Most important celebration. → Groose was a cheap version of Furkey Education (18th-19th century) 19th century: School NOT free. Dickens belived poverty, crime and disease were lack of education (and → unsupported finance for school fees) Education provided was very poor, haphazard and delivered with brutality. Education was not compulsory until 30 years after the novel