


Atoms, Compounds and Groups






Science Revision
Elements and atoms.
an element is a substance in which is made up of
only one type of atom
• elements are found on the peri


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Science Revision
Elements and atoms.
an element is a substance in which is made up of
only one type of atom
• elements are found on the peri


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Science Revision
Elements and atoms.
an element is a substance in which is made up of
only one type of atom
• elements are found on the peri


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Science Revision
Elements and atoms.
an element is a substance in which is made up of
only one type of atom
• elements are found on the peri


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Science Revision Elements and atoms. an element is a substance in which is made up of only one type of atom • elements are found on the periodic table • each element has its own symbol, which is the same in every language • an atom is the smallest an element can be broken into • 100 different elements = 100 different atoms Compounds • Compounds are found and formed when two or more different elements chemically bond together • The compound will have different properties (physical) to the elements which made up the compound. Example Oxygen + hydrogen gases -water Totaloud • Compounds are hard to seperate and would need a chemical reaction. O Liquid to - • when naming a compound, the metal comes first and then the non-metal • metal name doesn't change, non metal name does change eg: oxygen-oxide Chemical formule tells you how many atoms of each element there are in a compound us the number of each o the small number tells element Science Revision Elements and atoms. an element is a substance in which is made up of only one type of atom • elements are found on the periodic table O • each element has its own symbol, which is the same in every Language • an atom is the smallest an element can be broken into • 100 different elements = 100 different atoms Compounds •Compounds are found and formed when two or more different...

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Alternative transcript:

elements chemically bond together • The compound will have different properties (physical) to the elements which made up the compound Example Oxygen + hydrogen gases ->water Liquid Evelin • Compounds are hard to seperate and would need a chemical reaction. • when naming a compound, the metal comes first and then the non-metal • metal name doesn't change, non metal name does change eg: oxygen-oxide • Chemical formule tells you how many atoms of each element there are in a compound. us the number of each • the small number tells element O o Natural polymers are not manmadem wcdl O •CC Hon 0 starch • rubber 0 TIE CHA A 1 carbon 4 hydrogens 1 carbon 2 oxygens Polymers Polymers are Long chains of groups of atoms These are repeated multiple times. 200 0 • synthetic polymers are man-made polythene polystyrene nylon Group 1 • Group 1 -> alkau metals They share the same properties as metals shiny when freshly cut good electraty and heat conductors 0 0 0 CO₂ modo no • Group 1 metals are metals which are softer and have much lower boiling and meeting paints = Group 1 elements react with water to form alkali solution lithium + water → uthium hydroxide +hydrogen • The further down the group, the reaction becomes more vigorous • Further down the group boiling + melting points decrease C Groups + periods a Groups are columns 1 O Periods are rows -> <- 50 2 Li Be reactive H Group • Group 0 -> noble gases • All non-metals with low melting + boiling points. All are room temperature • Down group, boiling point decreases • All group o elements are unreactive • When electricity is passed through they emit a brightly. Coloured light Halogens Fluorine most. Chlorine Bromine lodine least Ala Mg K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra reactive tal He 3 4 S 67 BCN OF N₂ Al Si PSC Ar