


Plant reproduction







→ bright petals and
sweet smelling
nectar to attract
insects (pollinators)
to reproduction
organs of the plant
→ p


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INSECT-POLLINATED FLOWERS → bright petals and sweet smelling nectar to attract insects (pollinators) to reproduction organs of the plant → pollen grains will get Stuck to the insect and they carry them. to the next flower where the pollen sticks to the Sticky stigma POLLEN NUCLEUS POILEN GRAIN -POLLEN TUBE -OVULE STAMEN MICROPYLE ANTHER- FILAMENT OVARY FERTILISATION STIGMA STYLE OVULE WIND-POLLINATED FLOWERS →wind-pollinated plants look more 'boring' because they don't need to attract insects. when a pollen grain lands on the Stigma a pollen tube grows down the length of the style to the ovaries the long stamens allow the pollen to be taken away in the wind. the large stigma has a large surface area so that passing pollen grains can be caught. the pollen travels down the tube and penetrates the ovule (egg) through a small opening called the micropyle. the ovules then become the seeds ovary becomes the fruit. the nucleus of the pollen then fuses with the nucleus of the ovule during fertilisation TISSUE SAMPLES ARE SCRAPED FROM PARENT PLANT STAMEN PLANT REPRODUCTION EXPLANTS ARE PLACED IN GROWTH MEDIUM CONTAINING NUTRIENTS AND AUXINS EXPLANTS DEVELOP INTO PLANTLETS ASEXUAL PLANTS • only one parent offspring are genetically identical → population can increase rapidly can exploit a suitable habitat quickly does not lead to variation in the population →Species only suited to one habitat → disease may affect all individuals SEXUAL ANIMALS • two parents needed offspring are genetically different to the parents → Introduces variation into the population species can adapt to environments disease is less likely to affect multiple individuals ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS →Some plants can create genetically identical offspring or clones using 'runners' which are off-shoots or side-branches • Artificial methods can...

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Alternative transcript:

be used, such as cuttings which involves removing a branch from the parent plant and dipping the end in rooting powder. The rooting powder contains plant hormones that stimulate roots to develop, the cutting must be kept warm and moist and planted in compost once roots appear. PRODUCES A LARGE NUMBER OF PLANTS WHICH ARE CLONES OF THE PARENT PLANT • Another method is micropropagation (tissue culture). This method is more complicated but has the advantage of producing large amounts of genetically identical plants. → small pieces of plant tissue (explants) are removed from the parent plant and grown in petri dishes containing sterile agar jelly with plant hormones and nutrients.