


National 5 Biology - Multicellular Organisms






18 Palisode (photosynthesis)
Living tissue
Companion cell
for enemy pores


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18 Palisode (photosynthesis) mesophyll ·Xyleme + Phoen Phoem -Transport Sugar Living tissue Companion cell for enemy pores Amum SA sight cornice xulem -Dead tissue -Transport Water -lignin for Support) aorta -это bodly -Stomata (gas exchange) ermum Verinc Pulmonary artery lungs Pulmonary veins DOMINANT-Strongest gene (B) RECESSIVE - Weakest gene (b) Transpiration Root hair cells absorb water Osmosis to xylem? FEATURES OF ABORPTION TISQUES *Large surface area *one Fell thick *Good blood Supply 3) up xylem 4) water transpires out OF Stomata Gas Exchange: 0₂ →in CO₂ out) Alveoll Blood cells: Blood vessels: Artery - Taxes blood away, thick walls and narrow channel Capilary-one cell thick, where gas exchange happens WBC Progocules Biconcave shapel - Enguif & destro Pathoger Lymphocytes vein-To the heart thinner walls, Wider Channel VALVES RBC NO nucleus Red harmooloon DISCRETE VARIA TION=Single gene (e.g.eye colour) CONTINUOUS VARIATION = Polygenic, many genes (e.g. height, weight) HOMOZYGOUS-2 centical alleles (88 or bb) HETEROZYGOUS 2 different alleles (3b) GENOTYPE Alleles present PHENOTYPE=Physical appearance •Predicted phenotype not shown - Fertilisation is random CAL -Produce Antibodies. Absorption in Small intestine: VILLI Plant and Animal Transport variation + Inheritance OVARY -Produces ovules (Female) food Store for energy Plant -Blood Copilanes -glucose + Lasteal -fatty acids +glucose Amino Acids. Absorption OF materials Multicellular Organisms Sperm Reproduction Animal Gametes: Sex Cells tail to swim ANTHER -Produces pollen (male) Producing new cells Fertilisation -Fusion of nuclel of egg + Sperm Full Chromosome compliment =DIPLOID •Half Chromosome Compliment HAPLOID (sex cell) Stages of Mitosis Chromosomes replicate chromatics Chromatids line up at equator. 3) Spindle Abres form (4) Spindle Abres contract to pull Chromatids apart. chromosomes now! New neclear membranes form 6)Cytoplasm divides-now 2 identical claughter ceus Control + Communication Stem cells j-unspecialised, can become any ceu Medulla -Heart Rate and breathing rate Hormonal Control Cerebrum ·Comtois memory and Conscious thought cellebellum -Balance REFIEX Arc =Protects From harm Rapid response Hormones are Complementary To receptors on target tell. Blood Glucose Regulation INSULIN→increased blood →glucose Neurons Nerve cell: (SIM) Sensory inter-motor Sensory Takes Signal from neurons to CNS. •Communicates between sensory + motor Motor -Cames Signal to effector (muscles) Hormones travel in blood. Slower response cxGLUCAGON → Instructs liver to release stored glucose into Blooch INSTRUCTS Liver to...

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Alternative transcript:

lose os glycogen