


Nat 5 Biology - Unit 1 Cell Structure Mindmap






•Given nutrients, moisture and temp bacteria
will multiply. Bacteria divides into two by Binary Fission. ANIMAL CELLS


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BACTERIA •Given nutrients, moisture and temp bacteria will multiply. Bacteria divides into two by Binary Fission. ANIMAL CELLS HIGHER ONLY •The bacteria on cu nutrient agar plate divide to form a colony of millions of bacteria. DIFFUSION Spreading out of particles from high to low concentration until they are evenly spread Osmosis Movement of water particles froma dilute to a more conduttrated solution through a partially permable membrane CELL CYCLE 1) Cell grows 2) DNA repicales to form 2 copies of each hromosome 3) Further growth, DNA Checked and repaired (no division I cyploplasm 4) Mitosis (chromosomes move apout and two nuclei form) 5) Cyptoplasm divides into two, new cell membrane seperates to give off towo identical ells 6) Temporary cell resting leftover IVF//placenta immune system try destroy •immune suppresent drugs • increased chance of infection "embryo's have a right. to life -Highly successful at treating > new cells made by cell division into genetically identical daughter cells (0) Chremesones inside nucleos membrane copies itself to make two joined stends (3) Chromosomes move to line up access middle of the cell (equcuror) 3) joined strands seperate and morto each side of cells 4)new nuclear membrane formed around chromomes 5) new nuclei pormed to form new daughter cells dacsomas T nucleus cell milachonduta mitochondria BACTERIAL • nocleoidfirregukuly shaped regions in prokaryotic caus) -holds DNG/Genes no nuclear membrane STEM CELLS Chloropics membrane UREDIN > Demenha (nerve) > lukemra (bone marrow) heart failure (courdicic alls) Bums (skin ceus) Paralysis (nerve cells) > Cardiac Arrest (cardiac cells) PLANT CELLS Hy Whit 1: Cell...

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Alternative transcript:

Structure SPECIALISED CELLS •A cell that has differented and has become a cell with a special scntivie •differenticute aanly •Plant cell dipperentiate through life 'different sub cellular structure CELLS nucleus cell Nucleous brain of cell membrane cell membrane - controls what enters and exits Cell wall support / gives structure Cyptoplasm - makes easy passage provide Mitochonding- takes in nutrients // Greetres energy Vacuole - stores water / neeps shape Chloroplasts-Absorb light for photosynthesis nibosomes proteins mode PROKARYOUC vs EUKARYOTIC vacuole Power? Pundifferentiated cell > found in bones & embryos Resolution not specicuised cell wall ·cyptoplasm LIGHT How? light rays shine. through glass slide x 1000 200nm KEY WORDS "no true nucleus Free DNA •no organelles (except ribosomes) 0.1-5pm mic OSCOPY ✓ ELECTRON elections passed through. dood samole dispersed x 1,000,000 Iam •nucleus ·10-100pm •oganelles EQUATION image size magnification object size Size of view= diameter cells