


Infection and Response- Plant Defenses and Diseases






chemical defenses
antibacterial chemicals are produced
by some plants such as mint, ganic and
works like antibiotics to prevent


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chemical defenses antibacterial chemicals are produced by some plants such as mint, ganic and witch-hazel. works like antibiotics to prevent bactena growing Poisons produced from many plants - Foxglove and deadly nightshade. put of. nerbivores.. Defenses of PLANES. Physical mostplants have a waxy cuticle acting as a barner, some have bark which can fall Off taking pathogens with it. Plants have cell mechanica defenses mimicry - Looking dead or non- Plant uke. or adaptions to make it unpleasem to eat. Physical defenses Infection? Physical properties -waxy cuticle, bark as extra Protective barners to Pathogens and walls. Mechanical some plants have thoms- painful to eat. Hairy stems I leaves deter insects from feeding on them or laying eggs.. chemical curling defenses Response have anticre antimicrobial Properties kill Pathogens leaves when touched magnesium needed for nitrate deficiancy: Production of chlorophyli nitrate needed for synthesis of proteins? without plants can't grow causes stunted growth Plants can also be infested with fungal, viral and bacterial pathogens. Plant diseases. Mineral deficiancies magnesium deficiancy: plants can't photosynthesise can't produce glucose magnesium absent makes leaves yellow.. Potassium deficiancy. poor growth of Flowers. dead spots and yellow llaves. potassium needed for production of flowers and fruit. Diseases: Aphids. greenfues and black flies feed on the sap in the phloem can weaken the plant Aphids can also act as a vector. Plants have defenses to vifat pathogens and pests. Biological Pest control cusing. ladybugs or chemical pesticides are often used,

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