


higher human biology - key area 2.5 (structure and function of blood vessels)






Key Area 2.5
a) Circulation.
3 function of
circulates. from
b) Vessel
There is
moves aw


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Key Area 2.5
a) Circulation.
3 function of
circulates. from
b) Vessel
There is
moves aw


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The Key Area 2.5 structure a) Circulation. Blood capillaries heart. blood 3 function of circulates. from then b) Vessel To There is moves away from to that differ Arteries have elastic fibres. Structure a muscle the The lumen ( central arvity) of lined with of thin layer This is. endo thelium. tissue between blood vessels. veins and the Surrounding vasoconsmction. or the arteries me не decrease in blood pressure as heart B Function onter layer of connective. and smoothen and elastic fibres. The elastic walls. and recoil after each to allow accomodate contraction of to back a blood cells called the then surrounded by layers of arteries and veins. the. the arteries to to a middle layer containing me vessel is hissue containing sheten the surge of heart. control blood flow the anteries com contract cansing relorx comsing vasodilation. blood smooth muscle 000 kk AAAAAAÐ Ð Ð Ð Å Å Å A ĦAAAAAAAAAAR (re Veins - have an elastic wall Therefore lalves blood. outer layer fiores but they howe resistance to HOW OF present hissues Capillaries allon are c) Exchange of Pressure filtration. capillary walls the cells. Tissue and other CO₂ and of Tissue composition. which are cupillary the excreted. Much of cells through their min walls. fluid and with OF a into те Lymphatic nessels fmid and rehon system. hissue 10 materials connective rissite containing thinner muscular much a wider lumen. blood to a prevent the backflow of exchange of materier causes. it other metabolic and into too large to walls. fluid supplies cells with glucose, oxygen substances. fluid absorb sulasrances to pass through plasma the rissue fluid surrounding. me minimum. this keep wastes nssve with retums to diffuse Pluid to the our be blood. blood plasma are similar in the exception of be filtered through the any excess tissue as lympn to the circulatory. plasma proteins.

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