


GSCE Biology PAPER 1 need to know






*Paper biologen
Major focus topics =
|S/A: Surface Cell Structure
Plant cell
cell wall.
4 Structur
4 Stucture
A hoids conter
Rib s


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*Paper biologen
Major focus topics =
|S/A: Surface Cell Structure
Plant cell
cell wall.
4 Structur
4 Stucture
A hoids conter
Rib s


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*Paper biologen
Major focus topics =
|S/A: Surface Cell Structure
Plant cell
cell wall.
4 Structur
4 Stucture
A hoids conter
Rib s


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*Paper biologen
Major focus topics =
|S/A: Surface Cell Structure
Plant cell
cell wall.
4 Structur
4 Stucture
A hoids conter
Rib s


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*Paper biologen
Major focus topics =
|S/A: Surface Cell Structure
Plant cell
cell wall.
4 Structur
4 Stucture
A hoids conter
Rib s


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*Paper biologen
Major focus topics =
|S/A: Surface Cell Structure
Plant cell
cell wall.
4 Structur
4 Stucture
A hoids conter
Rib s


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*Paper biologen
Major focus topics =
|S/A: Surface Cell Structure
Plant cell
cell wall.
4 Structur
4 Stucture
A hoids conter
Rib s


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*Paper biologen
Major focus topics =
|S/A: Surface Cell Structure
Plant cell
cell wall.
4 Structur
4 Stucture
A hoids conter
Rib s


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*Paper biologen
Major focus topics =
|S/A: Surface Cell Structure
Plant cell
cell wall.
4 Structur
4 Stucture
A hoids conter
Rib s


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*Paper biologen
Major focus topics =
|S/A: Surface Cell Structure
Plant cell
cell wall.
4 Structur
4 Stucture
A hoids conter
Rib s


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*Paper biologen
Major focus topics =
|S/A: Surface Cell Structure
Plant cell
cell wall.
4 Structur
4 Stucture
A hoids conter
Rib s


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*Paper biologen
Major focus topics =
|S/A: Surface Cell Structure
Plant cell
cell wall.
4 Structur
4 Stucture
A hoids conter
Rib s


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*Paper biologen Major focus topics = = |S/A: Surface Cell Structure Plant cell cell wall. 4 Structur Vacuole 4 Stucture A hoids conter Rib sorus Synthesis bigg o` cell wall 6 nucleus containfo & controls 4 genetic cell membrane Ribosomes cell membrane & what goes in & out cytoplasm where most reactions take place bacterial cell •Chloroplasts Photosynthesis Mitochond rea 4 where is produced cytoplasm chomosone /PNA genetic info, wides ・flagella 4 loco molion A Divides very quickly (every 20m) Transport in Cells Diffusion Animal cell villi ли Wit Key features ·large S/A Max ethicting Neurons 0 High concentation can be moving around inside • Can be moving in and out e.g. lungs-Abrioli, Gut - villi of Ribosomes -nucleus Palisade Mesophyll • Long thin ·large vacools da • have many Le • Lots of mitoch fong aron neuronican 4 Energy reverent travel a long & Muscle fibres distance so relax & contract L maximam night absorbt Muscle cells & low concentration. cell cells Brook definition Gases =High 0 Osmosis I definition Movement of water through a 0 9 particals dissolved so in solution Move down a concentration gradient from high to low concentration. of con 0 Partially permeable membrane, Poms an are of high to low concentration. centration & low concentration. t semipermiable Can only membrane e.g. occur Active transport root-hair cells Low concentration & Can only e.g. glucose in gut to accros G High occur through Digestive system 1 Liver - Produces Bile Gemulsifys fats & neutralises stomach acid Gaul bladder -Sloves bile 2 Small intestine - glucose, ions ect. to blood hasa Large ntestine - removes. exess water. م ما Animal tissues, Organs & Organ Systems S/A has a larges Concentration o a membrane roots take 1 minerals from soil Mouth - Mechanicaly break down food •Salivary Gland - Produces Amylays For Food oesophageos - passage Stomach- churns up food, And kills baderia, Provides environment for proteas to work. -Pancreas - produces enryms -Rectum • gett rid of waste A nus enzyms. аде з Breaks down... into Substraight Acids Pancreas Slomach, Made in... &small...

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Alternative transcript:

intestine Panchreas & Small intestine Lipase fats Patty acids Amino + glycerol Enzym actively Small testine in Works in ... "Lock and key model Active site enzyme Protease | Amylase Protiens Starch not enough Chiara Slomach & тем р small intestine. enzyme-substrate complex Temperature + enzymes & 8 ← optimal temp (37.5°) 37° sugars Sahrary glands, Small intestine & Pancreas є Mouth 48° Small intestine Products enzyme त्र unchanged & can be used & gain! enzyms have de natured V рНt enzyms 4 Protects tungs to acidic denatured Respiratory System. branch of trachea A Rightatrium V A -Ribs. Inlercostal allows rig muscle to expand with lungs bronchus www M nose Right ventrict R <optimal PH lung Cardio vascular system, Vena care -deoxygenated 2-oxygenated -aorta to alkaline denatuned V desophagus-behind trachea, Trachea 14 Heart Pumps blad Bronchioli - Branch of Alvioli - where Brochus happen gas exchang have a large S/A Diaphragm-moves u moves up & doron to air in front (digestive) It's a double system slungs via pulminary Artery -Pulmonary vein from lungs left atrum ·left ventrial Le bigger Arterys Away veins to NA 5 Arteries capillaries I call 0-lary// SIA thick-allow for diffusion very thick thin lumen walls -> due to high Blood Plasme - water, ions, protiens nutrients, wasts White blood cells - part of the immune gases Red blood cells System carry oxygen 4 have Heart plasma Red blood cells caused by fatty diposits buildin corona How - This restricts the no nucleus Platelets - fragments of alls - used for clotting Cardiovascular Disease ♡ Risk factors (Smoking veins CA Vlow Pressure thin- walls Formation of blood clots 4 these clots Having to many in your thick lumen Valves while blond alls & Platetets building up can then block the arterys in the 4 is when the cells don't you to the heart get oxygen caus -sing Heart Attack High blood pressure Salts & tats) diet Health 8 definition 8 Affectors overall state of physical and mental wellbeing! Diet එ Cancer When cells divide uncontrollably →→ lumps Two types ! Benign tumors e.g. warts Exercise Community (Genes) - slow, harmless moles Risk factors → 1 Malignent tumors - Smoking gooddiet. un protected sex -> Photo synthesis water + carbon dioxide 64₂0 + 600₂ Fast, agressive, Mobile decreases t increask E langelx posure to sun → Plant tissues, organs & organ systems. огда light & oxygen + glucose я Co 06 + 60₂ + C6H₁₂ Pho <>Photosynthesis Its an endothermic reaction - takes in Needs! chlorophyl O Pay #7 sisuguhisgond to ope Сандићеория в гра 8⁰ Leaf Pahsade Mesophy So whe're Pho mappens guard cell. 4 where transpiration takes place % level Krate increases with % merease of CO₂ levels creas ↑ water other limiting. factors, te of reaction д сог ↑ optimal temparature I say good for your Temperature as (°C) Stomati Phloem-ions & food Leaf + roots carbon dioxide - light| other timing factors ✓ When it is dank nothin Suden no photosynthesis. Kas enzymes are denaluved energy A rate increas with Light intensity Light intensity •cuticle & waxy layer -Upper Epidermis & covers plants • Vein (xylem & Phloem). ← Spongy Mesophyll & space for gas exchange →lower epodermis & Covers plant cuticle xylem - cater roots lears. ige 8 franspiration Occurs in the leaf and This FACTORS Strong Light intensity - More higher temperature high wind more high humidity - Lower Communicable disease Pathaften 8 definition & - virus can be spread through 1 ир the xylem More I microorganisms that causes A dissease. fungi, bacteria Protist Air, touch, blood sexual fluids Salmonella Bacteria Spread through infected food Causes, Diarrhoea & vomiting can lead to severe dehydration Gonorrhea. Bacteria contracted through sexual fluids causes Measles ) thick green smelly discharge from penis or vagina, pain when urinaling, bleeding can lead to going blind virus spread by liquids droplets in air or on surfaces causes, ill feeling, cold, red eyes, high temp, rash, little damage HIV virus spread by unprotected sex, sharing needles from mother to shild, infected blood, breastfeeding Causes, Damages immune system. can lead to AIDS Tobacco Mosaic Virus. virus spread from plant to plant through reduced level leading to a lower of chlorophyl yeild causes, a Rose Black Spot Page I fungus spread by spores. 9 contact Should Page 10 causes, large Malaria Protist spread by femate mosquitos. Causes, high feaver, sweats & chills, headach vomiting, pain, diarrhoea can be lethal Vaccinations. • contain small amounts pathogen P areas of discoloration cause the plant to die + your cells memory quickly or inaclin of dead imune system to develop antibodi can now remake these antibodies If there are further infections further infections your imman system can recognise and deal with them quick " Advantages * Hand immunity * Small Poxwipped out Disadvantages * Don't always work * Painfull / side effects Monoclonal Antibodies Production of Monoclonal Antibodies. A Mouse is vaccinated to start the production of antibodies ✓ the antibodies are then collected from the spleen V A known cancerouse cell line like, Myclo coma cells then fused with the antibodies ✓ دا This then produces -hybrid cell they are grown in a laboratory till there are enengh The Anhbodies are seperated and used Required Practicals = Using a light Microscope Magnification = Image height Object height Method ! Khut uniform cubes of potatoe, Ameasure & Pagell record thier weight // arrangebtest tubes with increasing % of sucrose and place your potatoes into them I leave in for 20 minutes then remove & weight again, recording the mass and change percentage in mass as a Food Tests Iodine tests for Starch /red/ brown + Ethanolk water tests for lipids (thenol (clear in Buuret's solution tests for Protiens (ight het lily) Blue blue Black + not in water. Benedicts Solution tests for redusing sugeurs / glucose (Bright & ovarge) * water bath