Types of Movement
This page details various types of movements that the muscular system enables. These movements are fundamental to understanding how muscles function in the body. The list includes:
Flexion, Dorsiflexion, Adduction, Plantarflexion, Retraction, Elevation, Extension, Hyper-Extension, Lateral Rotation, Abduction, Lateral Flexion, Depression, Horizontal Extension, Horizontal Flexion, Protraction, Supination, Circumduction, Medial Rotation, and Pronation.
Definition: Flexion is the bending movement that decreases the angle between body parts, while extension is the straightening movement that increases the angle between body parts.
Example: Dorsiflexion is the upward movement of the foot at the ankle joint, while plantarflexion is the downward movement of the foot, as when standing on tiptoes.
Understanding these types of muscle movements and examples in human body is crucial for comprehending how the muscular system facilitates various actions and postures.