


Ecology mind map






in a comunity, species depend on other
species for things - this is cated interdependance
·any change in an exclystem can have


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Competition in a comunity, species depend on other species for things - this is cated interdependance ·any change in an exclystem can have big effects ·Plants compete over → Space →Food mineral ions • animals compete overt →Space 9631 18224 abiotic+biotic factors • brotic-living factors •abiotic - non. living factors -examples of biotic factors: *competition new predators avaliability of food →new pathogens • examples of abiotic factors: →light intensity → temperature ACO₂ levels →moisture level adaptations adaptations allow organisms to survive . There are 3 types: →structual →tehavioural →functional .microorganisms have a huge variety of adaptations so they can live in a wide range of enviornments Food chains food Chair Shows what is eaten by what in an ecosystem increas/decrease of an organism at any part of the food chain will effect the population of other agantims • producers → primary Consuneu secondary consumers envidemental changes -Chulanimental change causes the distribution of organisms to change • examples of enviornmental changes: change in the availability of water → Change in the temperature → a change in the composition of atmosphens gases • These enviormental changes can be caused by seasonal factors, geological factors, or human interactions Decay microorganes break down plans and animal material and waste fo get energy •The rate of decay is affected by: →temperature oxygen availability →water ausilabil/t number de decuy organisms -bidgas is made up sis ancierobe decay of cuciste material Maintaining ecosystems and biodiversity biodiversity reeds to be maintained to maine an accos, stem stabdis • programes have been set up to reduce impacts of human activities •there are conflicting pressures thave have to be taken into account about the programmes Biomass...

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Alternative transcript:

transfer biamas is tost between each trophic level -Gomas stores eneg *plomas is lost between trophic levels ass organise do not always eat every part of the organisma organisms do not assors all the STUFF in for food Ascom of the biomass taken in is converted into other substances that are lost as waste •you can calculate the afficiency of 6onVas transfo efficiency= water cycle tiones transformed to not leve x100 tomas covaltable of previous tsvel evaporation water makes its cuay to the sta condensation, 2 precipitation Trophic levels trophic levels are the diffrent stages of a food chain-They consist of one or more organisms that perform a specific role in the food chain Topic level produces -trophic level z primary consumers • Rraphic level : +secondary consumers -Trophic leves & tertiary consumers and Farming Food Security • Food security-hoving enough food to feed a population • Things that can threaten food security: → population increase + diet change high input cost of forming aconflict -fish stocks are declining due to overfishing & Eisning guotas - limits on number and site of fish that can be cought in certain areas →uce sice - there are diffrent limits on the mesh size or fi nets depending on what is being count ecology) Biotechnology biotechnology - where living things sind biological processes are manpuiested to produce a usefull product copron cood from furgou microorganisha can be cultures industrialy under (tad conditions in larguste for we of engineed to produa human incling L plesopen wing same restriction intyine-leaving the SAIN ✓ Sticky n using a restriction enzyme which soxanis spees aquences of ous and compl the purt hurhoors gene cure mixed together ↓ Biodivesity and waste management tigase cap payu) sudded which your together the two stay and prodou mcomanant Dual ↓ the recomsityisis inserted into a beckenum production and deforestation as well as probal warming is reducing biodivertly the modified badlerin is grown and with million and purified to treaty arop concated condibons, you bacters that ondture inswim. The insulin can be moretted is managed Mermpus pollution will te global warming •the temperature on earth is a balance between the energy it gets from the sun and the energy it roliates back out ines space • the amount of greenhouse gases is increasing which is heating up earn this is global warming -reasons to be worried above globat → increased risk of flooding change in distribution of animals → changes in migration patterns *redued vadivenity Deforestation and land Deforestat on the culing down US of forest to provide mare niverisional valus grow better •crops can le genetielly modiones in drought or be resisted i pass. They are modified to improve cop yold •Deportstation causes many proces as trees asors Co. and when they we cut down they can no longer do ta -CO₂ is released from burning kons •when treas are cut down it redu •humains destroy peat toist for the use of land which 0110 Pyramids of biomass *Pyramids of Gromass show the relative mass of each frophic lovel there is less energy and less biomas every time you move up a stage in a Rood chain • example: Fleart fox rabbits dandilion tropnic 1200) 2