


Cell Structure






09/04/2023, 18:38
Cell structure and Transport
Controls the functions and activities of a cell. Contains the instructions of ma


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09/04/2023, 18:38
Cell structure and Transport
Controls the functions and activities of a cell. Contains the instructions of ma


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09/04/2023, 18:38
Cell structure and Transport
Controls the functions and activities of a cell. Contains the instructions of ma


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09/04/2023, 18:38
Cell structure and Transport
Controls the functions and activities of a cell. Contains the instructions of ma


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09/04/2023, 18:38
Cell structure and Transport
Controls the functions and activities of a cell. Contains the instructions of ma


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09/04/2023, 18:38
Cell structure and Transport
Controls the functions and activities of a cell. Contains the instructions of ma


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09/04/2023, 18:38
Cell structure and Transport
Controls the functions and activities of a cell. Contains the instructions of ma


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09/04/2023, 18:38
Cell structure and Transport
Controls the functions and activities of a cell. Contains the instructions of ma


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09/04/2023, 18:38 Cell structure and Transport Word Meaning Controls the functions and activities of a cell. Contains the instructions of making new cells or new organisms. Cytoplasm Where most of the cell's reactions take place. Mitochondria Respiration occurs here - Oxygen + sugar react to release energy the cells need. The area where protein synthesis takes place. All proteins needed in cells are made here. Nucleus Ribosomes Chloroplast Vacuole Cell membrane Cell wall Prokaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells Animal Cell: Cell structure and Transport Found in the green area of plants and help plants to undergo photosynthesis. A space in the cytoplasm filled with with sap which is important for keeping cells rigid to support the plant. Controls passage of substances in and out of the cell. Made of cellulose for strength and support. Cells have a cytoplasm, cell membrane and do not have a nucleus. Cells have cell membrane, cytoplasm and genetic material enclosed by a nucleus. Study Smarter cell membrane ribosomes mitochondria cytoplasm nucleus Create the best notes with Okto 200 1/9 09/04/2023, 18:38 Plant Cell: cell membrane ribosomes cellulose cell wall mitochondria cytoplasm permanent vacuole chloroplasts nucleus 9211 ● Chromosomal Cell wall Cell structure and Transport Capsule DNA Palisade Cell: Function: Carries out photosynthesis at the top of a leaf. Adaptations: Large surface area to catch as much sunlight as possible. Ciliated Cell: Function: Sweeps mucus with trapped dust and germs. StudySmarter Adaptations: Plant cells make their own food by photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is a substance in the chloroplasts that makes a plant look green. Chlorophyll absorbs light so the plant can make food by photosynthesis. Unique features to plants: Cell wall, Chloroplast and...

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Alternative transcript:

Vacuole. Cell membrane Bacteria Cell: Bacteria cells do not have a nucleus, they contain chromosomal DNA and Plasmids which also contain genes. Flagellum Plasmid DNA Create the best notes with Okto KANG 3/9 09/04/2023, 18:38 Cell Membrane Mitochondrion Cytoplasm CILIA ARE EXTENSIONS OF THE CELL MEMBRANE ● Nucleus- ● ● CELL MEMBRANE Q NUCLEUS G with www Cell structure and Transport Copyright © Save My Exams. All Rights Reserved save my exams www Chloroplast tiny -Vacuole Cell Wall Has a thin layer of to MUCUS moving hairs called 'cilia'. Function: Absorption of water and mineral ions from soil. Adaptations: • They greatly increase surface area available for water to move into the cell Large finger-like projection for absorption. They have a large permanent vacuole that speeds up the movement of water by osmosis from the soil across the root hair cell. Root Hair Cell: fo CYTOPLASM To MITOCHONDRION Mitochondria for active transport of mineral ions. • Remember that chloroplasts are not found in these cells - there's no light for photosynthesis underground! StudySmarter Create the best notes with 240 4/9 09/04/2023, 18:38 MITOCHONDRION o RIBOSOMES NUCLEUS Nerve Cell: CYTOPLASM G ● DENDRITES CELL BODY NUCLEUS CMW CHAND AXON RIBOSOME Cell structure and Transport CYTOPLASM CELL MEMBRANE CELL MEMBRANE Sperm Cell: Function: Reproduction (pass on fathers genes) Adaptationly Smarter CELL WALL fo VACUOLE Nerve cells (neurons) have a characteristically elongated structure which allows them to coordinate information from the brain and spinal cord with the rest of the body. Function: Transports electrical signals to the brain. • Lots of dendrites to make connections to other nerve cells. ROOT HAIR MYELIN SHEATH NERVE ENDING (MADE FROM SCHWANN CELLS) • A long axon that carries the nerve impulse from one place to another. • The nerve ending (synapse) contain lots of mitochondria to provide the energy needed to make the transmitter chemicals. Adaptations: Create the best notes with 200 5/9 09/04/2023, 18:38 Muscle Cell: goal MWAN ww PROTEIN FILAMENT WWW MITOCHONDRIA GWWww RIBOSOMES HEAD & TAIL/FLAGELLUM of • Their tail helps propel them forward (swim) in search of an egg to fertilise. • The acrosome in the head contains digestive enzymes that can break down the outer layer of an egg cell. • The mid-piece (middle section) is packed with mitochondria to release energy (via respiration) for the tail. C CWWWM Cell structure and Transport 000000 GWWw 000000 CYTOPLASM CHAM fo ACROSOME CMWWM CHWWM to NUCLEUS MID-PIECE CELL MEMBRANE CELL MEMBRANE CMWWM MITOCHONDRIA CHAN Create the best notes with WWW NUCLEI Function: Contract and release for movement. Adaptations: • Muscle cells contain special proteins that slide over each other making fibres contract. Study Smarter 2400 6/9 09/04/2023, 18:38 • Muscle cells have lots of mitochondria to provide sufficient energy (via respiration) for muscle contraction and relaxation. Study Smarter Cell structure and Transport Create the best notes with Okto 200 7/9 09/04/2023, 18:38 Red Blood Cells: BICONCAVE SHAPE DUE TO LACK OF NUCLEUS ● ● Microscope: coarse focus fine focus light StudySmarter -eyepiece carbon dioxide from the body back to the lungs. Adaptations: • They contain haemoglobin - a red protein that combines with oxygen. They have no nucleus so they can contain more haemoglobin. They are small and flexible so they can fit through narrow blood vessels. They have a biconcave shape (flattened disc space) to maximise their surface area for oxygen absorption. -stage Cell structure and Transport slide CYTOPLASM to CONTAINING objective lens HAEMOGLOBIN CELL MEMBRANE Create the best notes with Functi on: Red blood cells transp ort oxygen from the lungs to the body and Akta 240 8/9 09/04/2023, 18:38 magnification x 1000 Real size x Magnification of object 1m 1000 mm + 1000 Size of image size of image real size of image Study Smarter Cell structure and Transport TO CONNVERT mm → jum 1 mm x 1000 + 1000 1000μm TO CONNVERT um → mm x 1000 1μm: = 1000nm + 1000 Create the best notes with Axta 200 9/9