


Cell Organelles







Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles
It is the most prominent organelle in a cell
● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15
Nuclear Envelope


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Cell Organelles Nucleus Diagram It is the most prominent organelle in a cell ● Has a diameter of about 2 x 10-15 Nuclear Envelope Nucleolus A double membrane Made from phospholipids in a "lipid bilayer" Has numerous pores called "nuclear pores" -Nucleoplasm Chromatin Structure • A membrane bound structure that contains hereditary information • It has a mainly round shape, it may be oval or disc shaped depending on the type of cell Nuclear Envelope Nuclear Pore Nuclear Pores Helps to maintain the shape of the nucleus Connected to the endoplasmic reticulum Chromatin Dotted around the nuclear envelope Bridges the double membrane Regulates the flow of molecules in and out of the nucleus Nucleoplasm ● A structure of chromosomes Chromatin is formed when a cell is not dividing/resting ● Nucleolus The gelatinous substance with in the nucleus Held by the nuclear envelope Functions ● Controls hereditary characteristics Controls synthesis of specific enzymes Protein synthesis Cell division Growth Not surrounded by a membrane A dense structure Differentiation Stores DNA strands Stores RNA in the nucleolus Nucleolus produces ribosomes Mitochondria Diagram Outer Membrane Cristae Matrix Space DNA Intermembrane Space Inner Membrane ATP synthase Transporter Enzymes of oxidative metabo- lism Respi- ratory chain Matrix Inner space membrane Structure ● Inner membrane Creatine kinase Nucleotide kinases Outer membrane Smooth Rich in proteins Has porins Inter- membrane space Cristae Enzymes of lipid metabo- lism About 2 µm in size bacteria sized Found in large numbers Enclosed by two membranes - a smooth outer membrane, and a folded inner membrane Gives a lot of evidence towards the endo-symbiont theory Porin Outer membrane It's folds are the cristae Has tube-like projections called tubules Has a structure reminiscent of prokaryotic cells Impermeable Transports respiratory chain complexes, ATP synthase and other enzymes Rich in proteins depending on the tissue, the number of cristae...

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Alternative transcript:

varies Intermembrane space Located between the outer and inner membranes Uses porins to pass small molecules between itself and the cytoplasm Function Produces energy ● More simple molecules are sent to the mitochondria to be processed ● The charged molecules combine with oxygen and form ATP the is known as oxidative phosphorylation • Helps maintain an optimal concentration of calcium Enzyme rich Apoptosis or programmed cell death Endoplasmic Reticulum Diagram Cisternal Space [smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum] The nucleus Cisternae [Rough Endoplasmic Rectilum] Ribosomes Structure ● ● ● ● Divided into two structures - cisternae and sheets An extensive membrane network of cisternae that is held together by the cytoskeleton Cisternae are tubular structures Cisternal Space ER sheets are 2D flattened sacs Frequently associated with ribosomes Rough endoplasmic reticulum is covered with ribosomes — which give it its rough appearance ● Cisternae ● Also known as the ER lumen Occupies more than 10% of the total cell volume Function ● Transport of proteins and carbohydrates Provide increased surface area Help the formation of nuclear membrane during cell division The formation of skeletal framework Synthesis of proteins, lipids, glycogen and other steroids Sac-like structures Ribosomes Diagram Small Subunit Structure Large Subunit Ribosome Situated in two areas of the cytoplasm Scattered around and connected to the endoplasmic reticulum Function • They assemble amino acids to form specific proteins DNA produces mRNA through DNA transcription The genetic message from the mRNA is translated into proteins through DNA translation ● In the cytoplasm, the two subunits of ribosomes are bound around the polymers of mRNA Golgi Body Image Cisternae [Cis Face] Newly Forming Vesicle orari an [Trans Face] Incoming Transport vesicle Lumen Structure • A series of flat membrane-bound sacs -Secretory Vesicle Function • Receiving molecules secreted by the endoplasmic reticulum ● Classifies and modifies vesicles Lysosomes Image Lipid Layer Function Glycosylated membrane transport Proteins 88 Structure • Small, round, membranous vesicle formed by Golgi bodies • They contain a group of digestive enzymes -Membrane -Hydrolytic Enzymě Mixture Get rid of worn and senile cells and organelles White blood cells use the digestive enzymes inside the lysosomes to digest and destroy pathogens which invade the cell Centrioles Image Structure Distal Appendages! Subdistal Appendages Distal Ends Microtubule [Daughter Triplet Formed of Nine groups of microtubule triplets Has a cylindrical shape [Mother Centriole) Function ● Capable of forming more centrioles ● Can be transformed into basal bodies Can create flagella and cilia Help in cell division Proximal Ends "Interconnecting Fibres Centriole] Chloroplasts Image Structure Thylakoid Stroma lamellae lumem Intermembrane Space Biconvex or plano convex shaped ● The ends are filled with chlorophyll Intermembrane Space Inner Membrane Outer Membrane Semi-porous Permeable to small molecules and ions about 10-20 nanometers Inner Membrane Stroma Forms a border to the stroma Regulates materials passing in and out of the chloroplast Synthesises fatty acids, lipids and carotenoids Outer Membrane Granum Stroma a protein rich aqueous fluid Thylakoid System Suspended in the stroma A collection of sacs called thylakoids The chlorophyll is found in the thylakoids Function ● • Absorption of light energy ● Conversion of light energy into biological energy Production of ATP Vacuoles Image Cell Sap Tonoplast O -central Vacuole Structure Membranous sacs Filled with liquid Small and large in number in animal cells One large one in plant cells Function Stores water, nutrients, and waste products Plasmodesmata Image Structure Cytoplasm [Cell 1] A channel in the plant cell wall Membrane bound [Cell 2] Plasmodesma Cytoplasm Function Act as a channel through which molecules can be transported in and out of the cell