


Biology Unit 2 (Higher)






Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms
Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells.
Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biologi


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Genetic terms colour. Chromosone-a single molecule of DNA carries genomic info to cells. Gene-basic unit of inheritance - physical + biological traits. Allele-ior 2 or more versions of DNA sequence at a given genomic location, Phenotype - Individual Observable traits e.g hair, eye Genotype - genetic arrangement makes traits inherited from parents. Homozygous-Inherited same versions of alleles Heterozygous-inherited different versions of alleles Dominant-dom allele - always expressed-height Recessive-rec allele - not always expressed - freckles FI/F2-FI-first fillal generation, F2-second tillal gen from crossing Fl LINE DNA GIC Faight Sugar Prospritate AT AI ALT Double helix O Used for... Genetic profiling • Paternal or maternal • Ethnitaty\race Criminal investigations •Classifying organisms • Parenting tests. Guarine Cytosine (Complementary Thymine (base pairs Aderine Lapin Lymphocytes D Pathogen antigen Lymphocytes antibodies produced "by lymph 부수 Oq antibodies bind to antigen to destroy Phagocytes White blood cell p Baterium recognises the baterium as an invader Enquifs baterium Enzymes digest. baterium Homeostasis Keeping the body's condition constant to avoid harmful effects Too cold Too hot • Hairs lie flat •Sweat to Cool down •Blood supply to the you •Hairs stand up on end to keep you warm sweat • No Blood skin opens up to release closes Supply to skin heat-vasodilation OFF vasoconstriction Hair Nerves Erector muscle fat+ oil Pore Capillaries Sweat ducts Sweat gland The nervous system and reflexes Sense Organ Function Sight eyes Identify changes in light Taste tounge Detect chemicals Smell Nose Detect Chemicals Hear Ears Detect vibrations change in position Touch Skin Detect change in temperature + pressure The nervous system The central nervous system Brain Brain •Spinal cord • Nerves Spinal cord 0 asdouns Relay neurone in the Spinal cord Sensory neurone Motor neurone Effector Receptor -Stimulus Pathogens Spread by •Contact •aerosol body fluids Water Insects Contaminated food. : Body defences • our body adapts to resist infection by microorganisms: •Skin-barrier •Mucus-blocks • Stomach acid-desolves + protects when skin is not...

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Alternative transcript:

there •Hair-bamer Micro-organisms Bacteria cell. cell wall loose DNA Cell Xcytoplasm membrance Types of m.o. •Viruses• Fungi • Bacteria · Profists Virus cell Cell wall protein coat Genes Natural Selection Rules. Natural variation What's mutation? •Inheritance Selection Time •Adaptation . • Change in DNA molecule resulting in a new gene. What causes a mutation? - Natural radioactivity in the air - 40.1" - Direct radioactivity - 30.1² Food & drink - 101⁰ Cronic - 5.1 Medical - 15.1 - Genetic modification Advantages •New forths of life •Grow more crops! food by making them grow faster Species can become immune to illnesses \ diseases • Toxins to defend Disadvantages • Could be dangerous Toxing can kill • Side effects • Expensive Endangered species Safe place! 200 Svalbard global banks Seed (sperm banks) Sites of special Scientfic intrest National parks (Methods of protecting) endangered species local biodiverty action plan C.I.T.E.S •Hunting bans Alien Invasive species Alien species are a species that aren't from a area but are known. They could become a problem as they can kill the native species. and\or eat their food, leading them to stave. If they threaten\ harm the economy! the native species, they are known as an invasive species"! Examples of a invasive species- cogongrass-arrived into the USA in packing. material with seeds -threat of wild life due to burning hotter and faster, Diabetes Tupe 1 often bom with it • Genetic condition • body doesn't produce enough insulin • High glucose levels No core ● Type 2 •Devolped later on in life, often due to an unhealthy. diet •There's insulin, though it loses it's value, too much •Can be cured-healthy diet. Glucose - A type of sugar-source of energy Glycogen - Stored glucose Glucagon-hormone produced by pancrease-boosts glucose Blood Reason glucose why Yevels High Tow Too much Sugar + carbs Hormone that Effect on Effect on is released body by pancrease Insulin Glucose tums into glycogen in liver level of glucose in blood. Decreases Not eating Glucagon Glucagen Increases turns into or exercise glucose Variation be Heritable variation-difference in genes that can On - hair colour, height etc Enviromental non-heritable variation-caused by the enviroment the organism devoloped - fur, height, long ears Continuous -no categories - continuous range etc Reight, arm length. etc eye colour, lobeal Discontinuous-distinct groups. Tobeless ears. 1 Reproduce • Sexual Asexual passed 1 RAMALEO Inherited disease Some mutations can result in an allele that is harmful can cause a disease such as cystic fibrosis - which is a recessive allele. Some people have one of allele and some dont, these are called can they pass camiers - they arent affected by it on to children. • Always inherited •Recessive allele Camers i it but •If two people who carry of and have a child-there's a l in 4 chance it would suffer from the disease. Drug development Preclinical drug tratts tested on animals or human cells made in lab or healthy humans. Clinical trials. • tested on small -groups of patients -to avoid side effects Clinical trials. • Placebo-used instead of drug •Blind trial patients dont know they've had the drug-docs do • Double blind trial - dlocs or patients don't know, only researchers Vaccination and Immunity • Lymphocyte recognises antigen on invading mirco 40 produces the specific antibody to neutralise 'it 40 then produces many clones of the cell to • Once m.o have been destroyed, most clones. die off, expect a few, called memory cells 1.If same m.0 comes back -antibodies are produced faster and in bigger numbers, hopefully destroying before you get symptoms. immunity!! 4D due to vaccination or had the disease. dead part of microbe with antigen. 3 3 Biodiversity The number of different species in a area. How to work out biodiverty- Quadrat-it's placed on a area and they take a sample and mark them then they are released. Then they take another sample and see how many are marked. Estimating-number in sample 1 x number in sample 2 number in second sample thats marked Need to consider the animals due to stress, get diseases and may die, moved give birth Classification Plants-flowering non-flowering Animals-Vertebrates (backbone) \ invertebrates Morphological adaptations - Structural adaptations for Organisms eg colour of fur, leg length, shape. Behavioural adaptations - how they adjust to their when they are active, what food they, environment. eg Leat. Common adaptations Camouflage - fur colouring. Climate thick\thin fur, large ears Catching preylad avoid long legs (run faster) . Mitosis || Ħ H •2 daughter cells same chromosones as mother •I division • Genectly the same as mother •to grow\repair\make new cells. Melosis. 1011 Aliff (D) •4 daughter cells •1/2 Chromosones than mother 2 divisions . Genetic variation ・To produce sex cells\gametes