


Biology - stem cell uses






- spinal cord injuries.
- type 1 diabetes.
Parkinson's disease.
amyotrophic lateral


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- spinal cord injuries.
- type 1 diabetes.
Parkinson's disease.
amyotrophic lateral


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POTENTIAL CONDITIONS STEM CELLS COULD TREAT: - spinal cord injuries. - type 1 diabetes. Parkinson's disease. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Alzheimer's disease. - - heart disease stroke burns. cancer STEM CELL USES asteoarthritis. - - SOURCES OF STEM CELLS stem ceus originate from two main sources: adutt body tissues and embryos. Scientists are also working on ways to develop stem ceus. from other ceus, using genetic 'reprogramming tecmiques. MOST COMMON USES: hematopoietic (blood) stem cell transplant. Ls e.g. bone marrow transplantation to treat Certain blood and immun system disorders or to rebuild the blood system after treatments or some kinds of cancer. Skin The Liver ADULT TISSUE CELLS The brain Bone marrow Blood and blood vessels. Skeletal muscles. ENBRYONIC STEM CELLS Around 3-5 days after a sperm fertilizes the embryo an takes the form of a blastocyst or bau of cells. The blastocyst contains stem cells and will later implant in the womb. Embryonic stem. cells come from a blastocyst that is 4-5 days old. ADVANTAGES OF STEM ceus: Stem cells can divide to produce new ceus, which can then clivicle into different cell types. They therefore have one potential to be transplanted into patients to treat medical conditions and clisease. They can be used to replace damaged or destroyed ceus. CLINICAL ETHICAL and SOCIAL ISSUES: 4 These issues will be different for growth and trans- plant of adullt, embryonic and therapeutically- cloned stem cells. They will also depend on whether the stem cells are used for therapy. or research. CLINICAL ISSUES: There is no guarantee now. successful these therapies. will be. •Difficulty in finding suitable stem cell donos. mutations have been observed in stem cells. cultured for...

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Alternative transcript:

a number of generations, mutated stem cells have been observed to behave like cancer cells. ETHICAL ISSUES: one source of embryonic stem cells is unused embryos produced by in vitro fertilisation (IVF) For therapeutic cloning, is is right to create embryos and destroy them. in the process? •At what stage of its clevelopment should an embryo be regarded as,. and treated as a person? SOCIAL (3sues: whether the benefits of stem cell use outweigh the risks. Patients could be exploited by paying for expensive treatment and being given fouse hope of a cure as stem cell therapies are only in their developmental stages.