


Biology food and digestion






Food tests:
Starch: lodine.
caour change is
Starch is present
glycerol red/brown 4> black-
$3 fatty acids
lipids are made of


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Food tests:
Starch: lodine.
caour change is
Starch is present
glycerol red/brown 4> black-
$3 fatty acids
lipids are made of


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Food tests:
Starch: lodine.
caour change is
Starch is present
glycerol red/brown 4> black-
$3 fatty acids
lipids are made of


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Food tests:
Starch: lodine.
caour change is
Starch is present
glycerol red/brown 4> black-
$3 fatty acids
lipids are made of


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Food tests: Starch: lodine. caour change is Starch is present glycerol red/brown 4> black- $3 fatty acids lipids lipids are made of Smaller molecules called glycerol and three & fatty acids. Protein is made of small molecules L Called amino acids Protein Biology (1) food and amino acids. gricos benidick glaucoes is presange if blue Nutrients d-carbohydrates Protein digestion why are What nutrients. break down into Sugar -lipids fibre water - vitamins and minerais Carbohydrates carbohydrates (like Starch) are made of small molecules called sugar (like glucoes) glucoesfall they important? - carbohydrates. Provide energy. - lipids: Provide energy - Proteins used for growth and repair. - fibre: provides bulk to keep food moving through the gut. - Water: needed. in all cells and body fluids bigestive system. -mouth; food is chewed and mixed with saliva. - Stomach churns and mixes food with hydrochloric acid. - liver: Produces bile that helps break down food fat droplets. Pancreas Produces cligestive Juices containing Enzymes. - Small intestine digestion is Compleated here and small food molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream. - large intestine: water is absorbed bloodstream! into the - rectum - falces (poo) is stored untill It leaves through the anus. healthy lifestyle malnutrition: When People don't eat the right amounts of nutrients. lack of nutrients ✓ deficiency Too much food ✓ Obešity. Drug: a substance that has an effect. on the body." medicinal = drugs. help people suffering from pain or desese. V recreational = drugs taken by people because the effect they have. legal = ahalcohol, nicotiere illegal = cocaine, heroin. How are organs. adapted for Its function?: Stomach: Churns food to break It down mechanically and mixes food With Stomach acids. ✓ muscle tisue in a wall contracts to churn. Hydrochlonc acid kills microorganisms large intestine: The waste left over from the digestive process is Passed through the large intestine. In...

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Alternative transcript:

the large intestine excess water is removed. القسم الممر Digestion (Page 2) Mouth the mouth is the begining of the digestive System. Enzymes: speed up the breandown of food without being used ир. але a biological catalyst. biolds Protease- breaks down protein. Carbohydrase- breaks clown en carbohydrates Camylase is the carbo Carbohydrase that breaks down Starch into glucoes) lipase- breaks down lipids the food is broken down by the teeth (machanical digestion), Small Intestine: IS 6 meter long muscular tube. ↓ food arives from the stomach and is mixed with Chemicals Called enzymes. Recturm: IS a 10cm Where the food leaves the body. long chamber If the recturm contents Can be released the muscles around the anus relax and the muscles in the recturm contract. Osophagus: the osophagus moves food from the mouth the to the stomach. ↓ It is a muscular tube food is pushed through into the stomach. Pancreas: the pancreas makes chemicals called enzymes. The enzymes break down protein, fat and cartoohydrates Liver: the liver produces bile, bile is stored in the gall blader. Bile neutralises the Stomach acid providing alkaline conditions needed for the chemicalson enzymes) into the gmail intestine to work.