


Biology End Of Year 9 Topics






1) Diffusion is the gradual movement of particles from places.
where there is lots of them to places where there are few


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1) Diffusion is the gradual movement of particles from places.
where there is lots of them to places where there are few


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1) Diffusion is the gradual movement of particles from places.
where there is lots of them to places where there are few


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1) Diffusion is the gradual movement of particles from places.
where there is lots of them to places where there are few


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1) Diffusion is the gradual movement of particles from places.
where there is lots of them to places where there are few


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1) Diffusion is the gradual movement of particles from places.
where there is lots of them to places where there are few


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Biology Diffusion~ 1) Diffusion is the gradual movement of particles from places. where there is lots of them to places where there are few of them. 2) Its the natural way of things spreading out 3) The fancy way of saying this is Diffusion is the spreading out of particles froman area of higher concentration to an area of lowe Concentration 4) Diffusion happens in both solutions and gases - that's because the particles in these substances are free to move about randomly. diffuse 5) The simplist type of diffusion is when diferent gases through each other. This is what's happening when the smell. of perfume diffuses through a room: Perfume particles perfume particles diffused in the air. The bigger the concentration gradient (the difference in concentration), the faster the diffusion rale. A higher temperature will also give a cu u uu u u faster diffusion rate because the particles have more energy, so move around faster. Osmosis~ Osmosis is the moverment of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of higher water concentration. to a region of lower water concentration. 1) A partialy permeable membrane is just one with very small holes in it. So small, only tiny molecules (like water) can pass through them, and bigger molecules (like sucrose I can't. like a suopr gloose 2) The water molecules actually pass both ways through the solution. Membrane during osmosis. This happens...

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Alternative transcript:

because water molecules move about rondonly all the time. 3) But because there are more water molecules on one side. than on the other, there's a steady net flow of ware into the region with fewer water molecules, ie into the stronger Sugar Solution. • @ wover 2 Net moro 8 Sucrose solution 8 cues 8 4) This means the strong sugar solution gets more dilute. The water... acts like it's trying to "even up" the concentration either side of 1 the membrane. 5) Osmosis is a type of diffusion - passive movement of water particles from an area of higher water concentration to an area Of lower water concentration. Active transport ~ Active transport is the movement of particles from a low Concentration to a high concentration against (up) a concentration. aradient. Active transport needs the energy transferred by the mitochodnia to take place. This happens by respiration as active transport moves from an area of low concentration to high concentration. Microscopes~ Eyepiece lens - This is the lens closest to your eye. It usually. has a magnification of x10. - There are 3 lenses of different strengths which can be used to magnify the image more clearly. Stage - This is the place where you put a microscope slide, chips hold the slide in place.. Controls the amount of light that goes onto the moroscone slide- ght. The light source projects light onto the microscope slide. It can be a mirror or an electric bulb. Base This is very heavy to keep the microscope from falling over. Am- This holds the eyepiece lens above the stage. •foond. This is used to focus the image so it is very shap and clear. Course focus - This is used to focus the can see it clearly. Magnification formula~ image Size magnification real size image so that you A Achool-AXM-Magnification Size Image size Stem cells~ Stem cells are a type of cell that can become ony cell. Stem cells are undifferenciated which means they haven't become speciallised cells. Stem cells can become the cells of - Examples of stem cells- - blood - embrionic lembreyo - Skin bone marrow - heart - lungs etc Functions of cells (what parts of the cell do)~ Nucleus controls the function of the cell. Contains the DNA. cell membrane - controls what substances enter and leave the cel Cutoplasm - A jelly like substance where many chemical reactions take place.. Mitochondria - The part of the cell that releases energy from glucose by respiration. Ribosome-Makes protein chlornolasts - contains a green pigment called chloropyll. Absorbs light energy for photosynthesis.. Vacuole - Large space inside the cell where sap is stored. Sup contains sugar produced during photosynthesis. Cell wall- This is a strong outer coating which gives the cell support. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells~ Prokaryotic cells are o.1 -5.0 micrometers insize - A prokaryote is un organism made up of prokaryotic cells - Bacteria are prokaryotes.. - Prokaryotic cells do NOT contain mitochondria (where respiration takes place) or chloroplasts ( where photosynthesis takes place). - Some prokaryotic cells contain small rings of DNA called plasmids. These plasmids can replicate and move betweens cells so that genetic Information can be shared. Eukaryotic cells are found in plants, animals, fungi and protists (single celled organisms that don't fit into other categories). They are 10-100 micrometers in Size - A eukaryote is an organism made up of eukaryote cells.