


Biology B5 - Topic






Science Biology
Maintain- INTERNAL
changes outside our cells
Response to
both internal
and external conditions


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Science Biology
Maintain- INTERNAL
changes outside our cells
Response to
both internal
and external conditions


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Science Biology
Maintain- INTERNAL
changes outside our cells
Response to
both internal
and external conditions


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Science Biology
Maintain- INTERNAL
changes outside our cells
Response to
both internal
and external conditions


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Science Biology
Maintain- INTERNAL
changes outside our cells
Response to
both internal
and external conditions


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PAPER 2 Science Biology Maintain- INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT changes outside our cells Response to both internal and external conditions Homeostasis s Used to keep the blood glucose concentration... the body temperature. and witer levels Constant as Receptor Cells 15 -Homeostasis Features of an 6 Homeostasis consists of ·Stimulus automatic control systems making sure that the internal Conditions of the body stay constant as possible. Regulating the body of an organism inheritance variation and adaptation and ecology. L • Receptors Detect a change Coordination Centres Interpret that change" Effectors Carry out the change" Automatic Control Receptors Coordination Centres Effectors Co-ordination Centre . Eag of Automatic Control System Body temperature. In the human body. Can involve the nervous System of hormones (brain, Spinal cord. or the pancreas) ( Restate Optimum level) [Response] Effector (Muscle of a gland) Blood glucose level - Water Content - (3 4 The Nervous Systema Syste The Nervous System. Consists of two All automatic Control System have a stimulus, a receptor, a coordination centre. effector and a response an parts. Central Nervous System (CNS) Brain • Spinal cord ● Receptors detect a stimulus and Send electrical impulses down neurones to the central nervous System. Neurones ( Nerve cells) The Central Nervous System is the coordination Centre This now sends electrical impulses down other neurones to effectors. The effectors bring about a response. L Muscle which contracts. or a gland which secretes a hormone Response Stimulus] → [ Receptor ++ Sensory - CNS / Motor Effectats Nevrone Neurone Reflex Arcs Rapid, automatic responses to Stimuli that don't involve Certain the Conscious part of the brain' Because they are rapid, reflexes help to protect us from danger or getting harm. (2) Impulses travel along sensory neurone Stimulation of pain receptor Impulses passed along relay neurone Impulses travel along motat neutone Muscle contracts...

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Alternative transcript:

and arm moves Synapses. The connection between two neurones. A nerve signal is transferred across a synapse by the diffusion of chemicals (made up) The Endocrine System - The endocrine system Consists of a number of glands These glands secrete chemicals know as hormones directly into the bloodstream. The blood Carries the hormones all around the body Each hormones only acts specific target organs Nervous System Compute to Endochine System 1 ES uses hormones NS uses electrical. impulses which travel down neurones J Extremely fast Effects don't last long" GLANDS Pancreas also releases hormones / Produces insulin These are involved in controlling the Concentration of glucose in the blood. The Ovaries and Testes release hormones involved in puberty (female) (Male) and in reproduction. Testes Produce - Ovaries Produce which are chemicals and these are carried in the blood stream- Tends to produce a much slower / slowly' Effects last longer Testosterone Oestrogen The thyroid gland produces hormones which are involved. growth and in regulating the body's basal metabolic rate Produces Thyroxine The adrenal glands telease the hormone adrenaline which is produced in times of fear or Stress Example Increases Heart rate (Blood pumping faster) hormones located in the brain and its extremely important which produces lots of which also called master gland. The pituitary gland releases a number of different hormones into the blood cepending on the Condition. Stimulates other glands Such as :- Teil The pituitary gland is 4 9 > the body what to do Tell other glands to release their hormones Control of Blood Glucose Concentration Glucose is needed by every cell to release energy by respiration, so it is very important that the glucose in the blood is kept as Concentration of Constant as possible. PART OF HOMEOSTASIS The blood glucose concentration is Pancreas. monitored by the After the meal rich in carbohydrates. The Concentration of glucose in the blood can rise, pancreas produces the hormone insulin Insulin travels in the bloodstream all around. the body and it triggers. body cells to take up glucose from the blood. Insulin also triggers liver and muscle cells to store excess glucose as a storage molecule called glycogen. Because glucose is now being tak taken out of the blood and stored the concentration in the blood returns to its normal level. J the Cause Effect Treatment In some people, their blood glucose control does not Loork effectively.. people have Diabetes There are two types of Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes These Pancreas produces litte or no insulin Blood glucose Concentration Can rise to dangerously. high levels. This is because the pancreas cannot produce. Sufficient insulin. If blood glucose Fises tou much e.g. after a Carbohydrate - rich meal people will inject themselves with insulin OVERALL Type 2 Diabetes The body cells. no longer. respond to insulin properly. which produced by the pancreas Blood glucose concentration can rise to dangerously high levels no longer respond to produced in sulin from the Because pancleas. cells Treated with a dict Containing a controlled level of carbohydrates. and regular exercise. This is to prevent the BGC from rising too high. OBESITY is a major risk factor for Type 2 diabetes. If the blood glucose concentration rises, then the the hormone insulin. Pancfeas releases If the BGC is too low then the pancreas releases the hormone glucagon into the bloodstream.