


B3-Infection and Response






Communicable vs non-communicable Salmonella Gonorrhoea
can be spread person, to
person (via pathogens)
eg. Measies


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Communicable vs non-communicable Salmonella Gonorrhoea
can be spread person, to
person (via pathogens)
eg. Measies


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Communicable vs non-communicable Salmonella Gonorrhoea communicable can be spread person, to person (via pathogens) eg. Measies non-communicable-cannot be spread person diarrhoed pers on to ↳ conorary heart disease • vectors can be reduced by • simple hygiene • destroying vectors hand washing Pathogen - microorganisms that cause infectious disease spread by- - direct contact -water isolating infected individuals people at risk vaccinated Bacteria (can be killed by antibiotics) - once inside body, reproduce rapidly - then tissue, making us feel ill Viruses -only reproduce in host cell - causes cell to burst & die • Measels & HIV measels - fever & red skin rash can be fatal children vaccinated salmonella -food poisioning from ingesting bacteria or food prepared unhygenically -UK - poultry are vaccinated - cause fever, ab cramps, vomiting, initially flu-like uniess controlled by antiretroviral drugs (taken for Lifes Stor Spray insecticides infectiona response release toxins which damage, infection plant disease Tobacco mosaic virus - viral gives distinctive 'mosaic pattern of discolouran this Stunts growth due to reduced photosynthesis Rose Black spot- fungal upor leaves causing them to turn ellows a dropout - purple black spots develop Antibiotics affects growin as photosynthesis is reduced spreads in water or wind treated via fungicides or removing affected - spread by sex or exchange of body fluids Gonorrhoea STD causes thick green discharge pain Spread by sex antiotics used to work (penicillin) other antibiotics condom stops Spread now uses when usinating Malaria Life cycle includes mosquito -recurrant fever & can be fatal prevent breeding-drain still wate leaves by of droplets from sneezes & coughs vaccination HIV imroducing small quantites of dead or inactive pathogen into body to stimulate white blood cells to produce antibodies -white...

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Alternative transcript:

blood cells multiply and can respond quickly system so badly, it can no longer whith correct antibodies deal with infections to prevent infection -Late stage HIN damages immune or cancers 1 Non- 1-Specific defences -protective layer difficult to benetrau ·outer laye of dead cells is produces sebum which Kills bacteria skin scabs • Nose hair ~ mucus trop pathogens trachea a bronchi - have cilice full of mucus whick waft mucus upwords to swallow Stomach contain hydrochloric acid to kill pathogen Immune system destroys pathogens & taking produce pathoger enters again protect us if some • Skin at open word stomach white blood cells detects chemicals released from pathagen of moves towards it ingests pathogen • enzymes destroy pathoges or • antibodies are protein molecules produced they stick to pathogens which triggers them to be destroyed or • produce antitoxins which stick to toking to stop them damaging cells greatly reduced deaths but resistant strain is emerging • medicines that cure bacterial disease by killing infective bacterial specific bacteria should be treated by specific antibiotics Pain Killers Preclinical-animals, cells ~ • treat symptoms of disease but don't kill clinical-numans to find Eissues Pathogens dose •difficut to develop drugs to kill viruses but don't harm body 1-vaccinate mouse Monocional Antibodies Lissues to stimulate antibody 2- collect lymphocytes a fuse with tumour 3-grow hybridoma cells in tissue culture & select anti- to produce nybridoma cells body-forming cells New drugs foxglove - digitalis aspirin- willow trees Double bling Penecillium - -penecillin • some recieve drug recieve placebo 9 samo Producties cells 4 - collect monocional antibodies uses: pregnancy tests •measure hormones in blood (drug trials produce harmful • treating diseases • detect pathogens in blood • locate or identify molecules in a cell or tissue side effects) Plant disease. detected by • Stunted growth spot on leaves • areas of decay 6 presense of pests identification growths malformed stems or leaves dis colouration •garden manual / website taking plants to labatories "A testing Kits that contain monoclonal antibodies Nitrate-stunted growth ( protein Magnesium chlorosis (lack of chlorophyll) Aphids • extract nutrients from plant - Stunt growth Defence physical-resist invasion -cellulose cell wall - tough waxy cuticle -layers of dead cells chemical- T Synthesis) •difficult to penetrate - antibacterial chemicals poision to defer herbivores mechanical thorns hairs- deter animals leaves that droop or curve when touched - mimicry to trick animals