


aqa combined science biology paper 2 revision: homeostasis and response






Hormonal contraception":
-POP (progesterone
only pill)
injections light
e.g. if you
drink caffeine,
You seem to


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Hormonal contraception": -POP (progesterone only pill) JUDS Patch -Progesterone or injections light e.g. if you drink caffeine, You seem to move faster Blood Glucose levels falls temperature change water levels: asmoregulation (control of water levels) Important for red blood cells- otherwise Could Shrivel up or burst. •We naturally gain water when we eat and drink, but lose some by exhalation from lungs, sweating, excreting from kidneys (to allow removal of urea). Pancreas Stimulated 2 • Chemicals (neurotransmitters) diffuse across the gap between -Receptors (type of cell) defect the urones. triggers next electrical impulse. Stimuli •Co-ordination centres (brain, Spinal cord, pancreas) - send message •effectors (muscles/glands). by negative feedback loops insulin Stimulates glucose upravc insulin from blood secreted Ls nervous, chemical responses of the internal conditions of a Homeostasis is the regulation. cell or organism to maintain Optimum conditions for function in response to internal texternal changes L> controlled If blood glucose concentration is too low, pancreas produces glucagon Blood glucose, concentration is Monitored + controlled by the pancreas if too high-pancreas Produces insulin to move from blood which causes glucose which causes to cells glycogen to be Converted into glucose + released -In liver + muscle cells, excess glucose is into blood (negative for storage. glycogen Synapses Between these nerves/ neurons there are little gaps (synapses). Weg feedback Control on blood glucose glucagon Secreted BIO P23 Pancreas Stimuloved blood glucose level rises dehydration ovary. or testosterone Puberty < destrogen Ĵ Endocrine system testes works using hormones released from glands - Slower + Produces longer lasting responses. to produce. Sufficient insulin -high blood glucose levels, treated with insulin injections Type 1 diabetes: ( Pancreas fails 个 glucagon Stimulates liver to release glucose The Nervous System: made up of receptors (e.g. retina cells in your eye, or your skin) which pass information along neurones as electrical impuises to the central nervous system. The CIUs is the brain and spinal cord.-it coordinates the response of be वर्ल्ड Fectility treatments: glands secrete hormones. -Chemical IVF -eggs messengers carried in blood....

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Alternative transcript:

Blood collected by carries hormone elab develop ing sperm in master giana's Secretes hormones i into blood (Toilet,Thirsty, Tired, /ESH/ Thinner) Type 2 diabetes: Mak body cells no longer respond to insulin Produced by pancreas -treat with carbohydrate controlled diet + exercise regime -obesity is a risk factor for day Reflex actions are to target organtes rapid and automatic. Stim. Isdon't involve conscious brain. - This in brain, lancreas) means you don't think in stomach, thyroid need to learn how to about them + you don't in throat, adrenal gland on kidneys, ovary in ovaries, testes in testes. increases do them- you're born with reflexes. ļ heart rate VEcauses day maturation fear th Stress Stimulus 14 of egg in ovary/ detected by, LH (luteinising recepter in the Timulates Pituitary gland Nervous system Uses nerves which transfer electrical impuises. eneration rapid responses + Produces Shorter days Endocrine lasting responses. dayy egg. Peuks Reffectors, which can muscles or glands. injury (reflex) from burn Pituitary daygiond + Progeenne (POP) maintain Uterus lining Reflex reactions: Stopping harm/ pain (retina/skin-depending on change). The receptot generates anervous impuse that passes along a sensory neurone to the relay neurone located in the Spinal Column. Relay neurone relays impuise to motor neurone which passes it to effector. FFFector causes reflex reaction